May 28, 2015
Let's Play Catch Up
Whew! It's been a while, and I'm sorry not sorry about it. Sometimes life just has to come first and I have come to terms with this, and no longer feel guilty about having to step away from the blog for a bit.
Anywho. A lot has been going on lately, so lets catch up with a Currently post.
Loving: My husband. In the past month he has shown me so much love. Starting with letting me keep my little man Robbie, then conceding to my iPhone upgrade, buying us the brand-new-king-sized-sent-from-heaven-matress-of-perfection (which is being delivered on Saturday!), and booked our cruise for December. Amazing isn't he?
Reading: Nothing. I need to catch up on my blog reading, and now that things are starting to seem like they are calming down and getting back into routine I just might be able to start.
Feeling: Exhausted, but refreshed at the same time. My body is so tired every day from work, but opening this sparkly new post to type up is making me feel so much better.
Watching: Game of Thrones! Things are finally starting to get good.
Writing: Again, nothing. Besides this post, the only thing I've written is nurse's notes and they aren't very exciting. BUT I have several good ideas for posts that I'm going to start writing soon.
Listening: Worth It by Fifth Harmony. I just can't get enough of this song lately.
Wanting: For Bear to be done with the spring shedding. Right now there are tufts of fur all over my house. It looks like I haven't vacuumed in weeks. In reality, I vacuumed day before yesterday. The struggle is real. And all of that is AFTER brushing him outside and getting over half a trash bag of fur off him each time.
Needing: To reverse all of the ceiling fans in our house to the summer settings. Heat and stagnant air are not my thing.
Hoping: Things get sorted out at work without too many crazy changes.
Avoiding: Laundry, like always.
Wishing: It was December already! I can't wait for our cruise! We're leaving right after Christmas and going to Florida, Mexico, Jamaica, Bahamas, the Grand Cayman Islands, and back to Florida. Neither one of us has ever been on a cruise before and this will be our first real vacation together, as well as a super late honeymoon.
Trying: To increase my step count each day. This is so much harder than I realized it would be. #lazy
Hating: How much down time I don't have anymore. It really sucks, and even more so since we don't have internet at work anymore.
Missing: My Tribe.
Praying: For a smooth summer. It's not my favorite season.
Thinking: About so many things that I couldn't even fit it all into one post.
So that my life lately. What have you been up to?
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