November 22, 2016

Thankful Heart

Thanksgiving is already here and we have so much to be thankful (and grateful) for, despite all the hurdles we've had to jump and storms we've had to endure. In some ways I'm glad the year is over, so we can take a break and enjoy our families over the holidays, then make a fresh start in the New Year. This year has gone by faster than any other year of my life, it feels like that anyway, so lets pause a moment and take stock in the good.

:: If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that we welcomed our nephew, Grayson, into the world in October. And we'll be welcoming our second nephew, Zane, in March. Our families are expanding, and all at once, it seems.

:: Little Grayson has opened up doors for a better relationship with my sister-in-law. Both for me, and for her and Hubs to repair some of the damage done in their childhoods and over the past several years.

:: We were able to purchase a more family sized vehicle. The first real thing we've bought for our future child.

:: After seven months, our bathroom is basically done! Just needs some small cosmetic things now.

:: School is going well, and I'm am very close to having enough credits to graduate!

:: My sweet cousin got married this year, and we were fortunate enough to be able to attend.

:: We got to visit the Biltmore estate on that trip to see my cousin get married. So I can cross that off my bucket list.

:: I got to visit my mom this summer, and while I was there, I got see my Llama for the first time in almost 2 years.

:: Hubs got transferred to day shift back in March and our schedule has been so much more "normal" since then.

:: So many of my blog friends got their prayers answered in the baby department (I'm looking at you Emily and Kathy!)

:: Hubs let me start putting up the Christmas decorations earlier than normal!

What are you thankful (and grateful) for this year?

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