June 2, 2014

A Grateful Heart and School Supplies

Hello June! How did you get here so fast?!

If you are reading this between 8:30 am and 2:00 pm Central time, I am sitting in my first classes since 2005 (eep!). Psychology 101 and History 101. I read the first chapter in my Psychology book over the weekend, because I want to at least pretend to be totally prepared. I'm not terribly worried about my history class, but I guess we'll just have to see how things go.

Right now I'm just grateful I am able to go back to school. It's always been a dream of mine to finish my education and I'm glad I changed my mind about my major. At first I was going to get a BA in Business, but after doing some research and was really honest with myself I choose to pursue a BA in Psychology with a minor in English.

With my minor I'm hoping to take some creative writing classes. Then I can put on a better show for you guys here on the blog. But mostly because I've always enjoyed writing and it's been a fantastic creative outlet for me since grade school.

My favorite part about going back to school, even when I younger, was shopping. New pens, new notebooks, highlighters, post-its, index cards! I have a weird obsession with office supplies, especially now because they sell purple pens by the box! Philip surprised me yesterday when he ordered me an all-in-one printer. Now I won't have to go to his parent's house or the library to print things. AND I'll be able so scan all my TBT pictures in all at one time!

I'm looking forward to being able to get out of the house and be productive. And I'm also grateful for my first real opportunity to make some friends here. I miss having a social life, even the little one I managed to keep when I was in Georgia. Adult interaction is always welcome.

I promise to give you guys an update on my first day of school later this week!

How are you starting June? What are you grateful for?

Linking up with Emily over at Ember Grey for #GratefulHeartMonday.

Ember Grey. Grateful Heart Monday


  1. Good Luck! I love school supplies too - cant wait to take my daughters shopping for them in a few years!

  2. When I was in school, my major was English. I think a minor is a great choice. I hated having to study so much "old world" literature and almost every English major program requires that you take at least 2 years of a foreign language. I never understood that!


  3. Awesome!!!! Good luck, lady! Creative Writing classes sound like so much fun - I would love to take some more at some point. I am laughing over your obsession with office supplies... I have the same love for all things organized! :) I have quite the bundle of purple pens at my home office! I'm so excited to hear more about your first week!!!!

  4. Oh no, the internet ate my comment!! I'll try to redo -- hello! Stopping over from Emily's link up -- love your intro at the top of your page, just a few words and I feel like I know your personality already!! :) Good luck today! I loved school and would so go back if I could. I did Psych and English too - interesting, interesting, interesting subjects. I hope your first day goes brilliantly! (Also a closet lover of office supplies over here...I have a stash of pharmaceutical rep pens that I got in an old job that I refuse to throw out because they're so unique!) :)

  5. Hi Amanda! Congrats on going back to school! What an amazing decision. I'm sure you will do great and exceed even your highest expectations for yourself ;) Have fun! (Stopping over from the grateful heart monday link up on Ember Grey!)
    Bonnie - Strongandsweet.blogspot.com (Also - your header is so cute!)


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