Two years ago I made a list of thirty things I wanted to do before I turn thirty. Well, I will be joining the dirty thirty club in August, and I thought maybe we should see how I'm doing on that list.
1. Get to my ideal weight and fitness level (In Progress)
2. Have a beautiful wedding (Done 4-21-14 We Eloped)
3. Go on a cruise (Caribbean Cruise December 2015)
4. Apply for and get accepted into school again (Done! I started school 6-2-14)
5. Learn American Sign Language (Coming soon! I'm taking a class this summer)
6. Pass all my classes (In Progress - I am on track graduate in December 2017 at age 31)
7. Grow my hair out (Forever In Progress)
8. Convince Philip we need a doggy (We adopted Bear! 11-25-14)
9. Read a book before it's even rumored to be a movie (I sat for a while thinking about this and I just can't remember if I've done it or not.)
10. Learn a Regency Dance from the 18th and 19th centuries
11. Re-decorate our house (In Progress - Bathroom is up next)
12. Make a new friend (Done! I adore my MO BFF Kaity!)
13. Help Philip make a new friend (Hubs and my brother totally bonded last Easter)
14. Make better food choices (Still working on this! #thestruggleisreal)
15. Have a white Christmas (the weather is not cooperating)
16. Start a new tradition (We started doing a couple's advent for Christmas this past year)
17. Go zip lining (I keep trying to convince Hubs this will be fun, but he's still resisting)
18. Meet another celebrity (Middle of Nowhere Missouri is not an ideal place to meet celebrities)
19. Take a cross country road trip
20. Live in a home for longer than a year (As of 9-21-15 I've lived in our house for TWO years!)
21. Become a regular at a local restaurant
22. Pay off "bad" debt (In Progress - We're almost there!)
23. Grow my blog to 1000 readers/followers (Still not there yet)
24. Take a trip to visit bloggy friends (I got to meet Cassie in November 2015)
25. Monetize my blog (I am accepting sponsors! Go check out my ad options here!)
26. Pet a giraffe (again, middle of Missouri is not the best place for this)
27. Fly first class
28. Learn photoshop better (Finally figured it out)
29. Stop complaining about household chores (yeeaaaaah...)
30. Actually complete this list
Completed: 11
In Progress: 7
Undone: 12
Some of these things are kind of laughable and/or out of my control (like weather), but I think I'm doing pretty good on things that are realistic and attainable on the short term. I guess I'll be rolling over some of these items for my forty before forty list.
Have you made a bucket list? How are you doing on it?
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