April 21, 2014

Wine. Wine. Wine.

Because I've been super busy this past weekend and today, I was lazy once again and chose a topic from my little Snicklefritz's EPIC LIST OF BLOG IDEAS for today's post. I'm not a wine connoisseur, by any means, but I do know what I like and what I don't like. So here it is folks, a list of the five wines that frequent our refrigerator, even if it is only for a short time.

1. Chateau St. Michelle Riesling 

It's an off-dry white wine with a sweet hint of lime and peach flavors. Soooo yummy with some frozen green grapes in it on a hot summer day. It's moderately priced, usually in the $11-$15 range at the grocery store. I feel the need to note that it has a corked bottle, so be sure to remember your wine bottle opener if you choose to take this wine outside of your house (I've done this on multiple occasions).  Also, the bottle is pretty and nice to display even after you've drained it dry.

2. Korbel Brut Champagne

Yes, it counts as wine!
It's a medium-dry sparkling wine that we like to get for special occasions. I still have the cork from our New Year's Eve bottle. It's good with most food dishes and is also in the $11-$15 range at the grocery store. I kinda want the try their Riesling Champagne one day. Perhaps for our wedding! Ok hold on while I write that down in my wedding folder... ok. We're good.

3. Sutter Home Sweet Red

This is the only red wine I can drink without making a weird face. I'd love very much to drink red wine, but it's far to dry/bitter for my personal taste, so I was hesitant when my mom asked me to try a glass of this wine. I loved it! It's perfect when grilling burgers and just classy enough for a steak if you so choose to spend your money on red meat instead of a second bottle. This wine is in the $8-$12 range at the grocery store if you get the standard size bottle, but who does that? I think it's about $15-$20 for the larger bottle that's like two bottles in one.

4.  Arbor Mist Mango Strawberry Moscato

This wine is delicious, and perfect for when you're broke. It's very sweet, but will still get you decent buzz if you drink a whole bottle yourself. Some of the other flavors are good, but this is my favorite and the one we purchase more often than not.

5. Sutter Home Moscato

Last, but certainly not least, this wine is a favorite in our house. It's sweet and light, also good with frozen fruit swimming in your glass. It's a good spring and summer wine, in my opinion and is in the affordable $8-$12 range at the grocery store.

Classy list, amiright? Only the best of the best for me!
Have your tried any of these wines? If so, did you like them? What wines, based on this list would you recommend for me?


  1. So I've never tried the Arbor Mist Moscato, but now I want to, real bad. Also Sutter Home is a pretty good go-to wine around here, cheap and always good!

    1. Most any Moscato is pretty good, but Philip liked that one especially well (mostly because it's so cheap!).

  2. Quite a classy list! I like that chateau st michelle. Have you tried a white called Gewürztraminer? It's great!

    1. I've never heard of it, but I'm definitely going to check it our next wine run we make.

  3. Arbor Mist is my jank (that means I like it, right? Because I'm not down with the lingo, but that's what I'm trying to say).

    Anyway! I'm not a wine connoisseur either. That requires too much swishing the wine around and looking at it in the light. I'm not about that. But I do enjoy a cheap bottle of white zinfandel!

    1. My mom loves her some white zin. It's not my fav, but I do enjoy it from time to time.


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