August 15, 2014

Spreading Some Blogger Love

Linking up with All The Joys for Blogger Love: Friday Favorites

This week has had more of a serious reflective feel to it. And sometimes that's ok. I've only got one funny post to share with you this week, but I relate to it just as strongly as I do the others.

1. Arkansassy - Robin Williams, The Act of Suicide, and The Vilification of Mental Illness
I think Ty hits the nail on the head with this post. Seriously, I cried.

2. Ember Grey. - Things I've Caught Myself Saying (Since Working From Home)
All of these, in some form or other, have escaped my lips. And I'm not even sorry.

3. The Best of Intentions - Words That Mean Something
Because all words have a meaning, and those meanings should not be taken lightly.

4. Awash with Wonder - Independent Woman: Feminism, Love, and Money
I love Shannon's writing. And identify with her in so many ways. This post this week I am feeling more than ever, as I am going through a similar situation myself. Granted, not quite as drastic as hers.

5. The Messmers, Party of Two - My St. Louis
Another tragedy this week happening very close to home for me, and even closer for Casey and Eric. I share all of her concerns about future generations. Every. Single. One.

Please stop by these ladies' blogs and let their words speak to your heart as they have mine. Perhaps you'll make some revelations of your own.

Have a wonderful weekend!

P.S. Today is my birthday and despite all of my personal struggles leading up to this day, I am happy and content with my life and where it has taken me. I've done rather well for myself and am in a wonderful place, even if it isn't where I thought I'd be when I was 17. So Happy Birthday to me!

All The Joys Friday Favorites


  1. First of all, happy birthday! Thabks for linking up, I haven't read any of those. Hope you have a fun weekend celebrating!

  2. Thanks so much for including me in this, Amanda. I was little unsure about that post and I've loved seeing that many other people have experienced similar situations. Happy birthday!!

  3. thank you for the love! :)

  4. Happy Birthday, friend!!!!! I hope you have a great weekend! Thanks so much for the blog love :) XO!

  5. happy birthday! these were all great posts. :)


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