April 5, 2016

An Awesome April

Aristotle Nature Quote

Everything in life isn't always awesome, amiright? But, in order to stay positive, and not let the not so awesome stuff get you down, we have to focus on all the great things that are happening in our lives and in the world around us. Anne's Awesome linkup is perfect for doing just this, so today I'm sharing with you some of the Awesome things going on for me.

1. Bathroom Remodel

I could be all irritated about not having a working sink and falling through the floor while the demo is happening, but I have to keep the end goal in mind. Once we are done, it's going to be beautiful and relaxing. If you follow me on Instagram, I posted a little sneak peek of the design elements we've chosen yesterday.

2. Blog Designing

I'm getting my head back in the game here guys! I did a complete overhaul on the design website a few weeks ago, I had a consultation yesterday, and I'm finishing up a new design for Melissa at The Rambling Llama today, so go check that out tomorrow!

3. School

I'm not thrilled with my choice of classes this session, but I need the credits for my degree. I'm still learning though, and that's always a positive thing.

4. Alpha Sigma Lambda

I found out last fall that I made it into the Omega Zeta chapter of this national honors society, and later this month there will be a recognition ceremony. I'm kind of excited about it!

5. It's April

It's a special month for Hubs and I (well the end of March thru to April really). We met in person for the first time Easter weekend of 2013 (March 29-31), We got engaged on April 9, 2014 and Eloped April 21, 2014. I guess we just really like this time of year.

6.Natural Herbal Tea and Supplements

Boy am I grateful that God gave us the plants to make these things. I like knowing that I can first try an natural remedy for any minor ailment I may have before having to go to the doctor for other medicines.

7. My Brand New Target Red Card

Did you know they have a debit card option rather than a normal credit card? I didn't up until a couple of weeks ago when a nice cashier explained it to me rather than giving me a nasty look when I said I didn't have a Red Card. So then I explained it to Hubs, he liked the idea of saving 5% on my Target excursions, and I got the nifty new card.

8. Best Friends

I have two really amazing besties. You all know my lovely Llama. We've been friends for, golly, nearly.... hang on let me count.... 10 years now. OMG TEN YEARS. Wow. Ok, well, anyways. She moved into her new apartment this past weekend and, once again, I am not able to help because I live in another state now. It kills me that I haven't been able to be there for her in person during this really tough period of her life, so I send her a giant new apartment care package.
My other bestie, Kaity, lives here in Missouri. I met her about two summers ago at school. She's ALSO moving, but later this summer. So I've been helping her pick out all the cute things she wants to get for her new apartment. Shopping is fun, guys.

9. Waffles with Peanut Butter

YUM. This has become one of my go-to breakfasts lately. I get two multi-grain waffles and toast them up. Once they pop up out of the toaster, I spread some peanut butter on each one. Lots of fiber and protein.

10. Bullet Journaling

I started one in January and used it along with my Day Designer. By the end of that first month I was leaving my Day Designer at home and using my Bullet Journal for everything. *GASP* I know! I think what I like about bullet journals is that they are 100% customizable for YOUR needs. And you can change things up whenever you want, you're not stuck with things you tried and didn't like, and you can add new things as you go along. Seriously, best (organizational) decision I ever made.

What's Awesome in your life right now? Are you linking up with Anne today?

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