June 17, 2016

Currently June

Since I was a total space cadet last week and forgot to show up here at all, I figured a "currently" post was called for. It was a busy week and weekend for us though, and one of the things I was consumed with was Mar's new design for To & Fro.

Loving: Pop Tarts, Pringles, Amazon Prime, yoga pants, tank tops, and the everlasting patiences of my husband.

Reading: The Fifty Shades books. I recently watched the movie again and decided that I wanted to read them. Hubs is hoping it will inspire more "action" for our baby journey.

Feeling: Accomplished. Tired. Anxious. Hopeful. Nervous.

Watching: Downton Abbey. Again. I know, but I just can't get enough. It's literally my favorite thing right now. I've also been watching some of the DVDs we own at night before bed. Mostly Disney (cause I'm a 7 year old at heart) and old movies like My Fair Lady.

Writing: New pages content for a blog design I've been working on. I'm excited about this one, and if you know me you'll understand why when I finally reveal it.

Listening: "From the Ground Up" by Dan + Shay. On repeat. It's such a sweet song and I tear up during the beginning.

Wanting: For summer to be over already. I know I'm going to get some side eye for that statement, but I don't do well in the heat and humidity. Neither does Bear. I feel so bad for him during the hot months.

Needing: Better sleep. Hubs has been sick and Bear has been needy, which means crappy sleep for me.

Hoping: That Hubs will be able to push through this slow period at work. This year it's pretty bad.

Avoiding: Going outside. Like I said. I can't even with the summer heat. And what the crap is with the temps already up in the 90s!!

Wishing: That we won't have to wait much longer to see two pink lines. I've got a little update on this topic, but I'll save it for another post.

Trying: To fill my design calendar for the summer. I've still got spots available if you or someone you know is looking for a new blog design.

Hating: That nothing ever sounds good for dinner. I might just have to shop for a few days at a time with the way things are going right now haha!

Missing: My mom and Llama. Not having classes this summer leaves me home by myself most all of the time these days. I think I trip to GA this summer is just what's needed.

Praying: For Orlando.

Thinking: About all the things we still have to do in the bathroom. I'm hoping things will pick up in the next couple of weeks.

Considering: Some small changes to my own blog design. Doing them for others really gets the creative juices flowing.

So, that's what's up with me. What's up with you?

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