September 19, 2016

DIY Fall Tree

My second favorite time of year for decorating is Fall, and for me, Fall starts on September 1st. That's when I break out all my pumpkins, sunflowers, marigolds, gourds, mums, scarecrows, and turkeys. My house goes from calming blues and grays to pops of orange, red, and yellow. 

If you've been around these parts long enough and you stalk my Instagram, you'll know that I make a lot of the decor for my home. Wreaths, flower arrangements, chalkboard signs, mailbox bows, picture frames, among other things. And every year brings something new to the mix. This year my mom was  telling me about her fall tree. Basically a Christmas tree with fall type decor on it. While I wasn't about to pull out one of my four trees, I thought about how I could still have a fall tree. Then I saw a craft post on either Pinterest or Facebook, I don't remember where, and BOOM. Fall tree idea. 

What you need:

Tomato Cage
Floral Tape
Hot Glue Gun
Roll of Floral Wire
Lots of leaf garland
Ribbon (optional)
Orange lights (optional)


You want your tomato cage to be upside down, with the big circle on the bottom and the loose ends on the top. Then hot glue the three ends together into a point. 
Take a long length of floral wire and make another vertical post in between each of the tomato cage "legs" between the bottom and middle circles. Then you'll have a total of 6 posts to wrap the leaf garland around. 
Wrap and wrap and wrap your leaf garland around the tomato cage, securing with floral tape where needed. You want to make sure you don't have any large gaps. 

Then you can add other stuff like ribbon or lights to make it your own! Cool right? After I made mine, I got an awesome idea for Christmas and had to run out and buy another tomato cage. So you've got that to look forward too!

Do you make any of your season home decor? 

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