February 3, 2015

Being Grateful for the Awesome Things About Hubs

Being married is truly amazing, but it's not always sunshine and rainbows. It's hard work. So in order to stay positive during the tough times, we try to focus on the good things about each other, and make sure the other knows how much we appreciate what the other does for our family. So here are some Awesome things about my Hubs (that I can share in a public forum anyway).

1. He supports our family financially.
I'm in school full time, I have this blog, and my blog design business. Believe it or not this takes up a lot of time and energy. And my wonderful Hubs works 10-12 hours a day 6-7 days a week to provide for us and keep us comfortable. He has never pressured me to get a job of any kind, even though I have offered and looked and applied for jobs. 

2. He supports me emotionally. 
I have big dreams, and he is right there beside me cheering me on and lifting me up, and holding me accountable. And boy do I love this about him. I don't think I would be as successful as I have been without him there beside me. 

3. He tries. 
We, like every couple, have our own issues and spats. But we compromise and agree to terms. Hubs tries so hard to hold up his end of the bargain. And I will admit that he does a much better job at it than I do, without holding it against me. 

4. I always have a snuggle buddy. 
Be jealous. My husband loves to cuddle and snuggle with me, and during these colder months it's awesome! We don't have to keep our thermostat turned up very high because of this. Not to mention the intimacy benefits of cuddling, if you know what I mean. 

5. I'm spoiled. 
Yep. I get everything I need, and just about everything I want within reason. I mean, hello shed! I did a whole post on this... Here

6. He keeps me laughing. 
Seriously. I am always laughing at some crazy thing he's saying or face he's making. I mean you've all gotten a small taste of it through the Conversations link-up

7. He's always on my side. 
If I'm mad, he's mad with me. If I'm upset, he helps me through it. If I'm happy, he's happy. He stand up for me when necessary. It's nice to know I always have a partner to lean on, to vent to, to get advice from. I do my best to do the same for him. We stick together, and I think this is a very important aspect in our marriage.

8. He helps around the house. 
I hate putting the laundry away. He does it for me. I hate putting the dishes away. He does it. He takes out the trash, cleans out the liter box, and takes care of all the car stuff. It's so so nice to have someone help with chores without complaint. 

9. Surprises. 
Hubs brings me little gifts all the time. Be it my favorite candy from the store or a little something from my Amazon wish list. Sometimes it's just a sweet text in the mornings. These little things are amazing and it shows that I am on his mind all the time. 

10. He's just a good man. 
He's is absolutely the best man that has ever been in my life outside of my family, and really even compared to some of the men in my family. I just cannot put to words how grateful I am and how blessed I am to have my husband. I honestly do not know what I would do without him now. 

What's awesome in your life right now? What are you grateful for?

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Linking up with

Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey  Love the Here and Now

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