November 15, 2017

Colby Bear

I want to introduce you to our sweet little Colby Bear. He was made for us by a wonderful organization called MollyBears. They make custom teddy bears that represent angel babies. The give families the comfort of a cuddle. Like each baby, each bear is different. Some have symbols like butterflies or animals or initials, and some have accessories like blankets or bows or tutus. Each bear can also be weighted to the weight of your baby.

Colby Bear is two ounces. He has an elephant on his chest and initials on his foot. We have two symbols for Colby, elephants and feathers. When we opened the box and saw that Colby Bear had a winged elephant on it I cried. The MollyBear maker had no idea about the feathers, we just requested an elephant. What a wonderful little hello from our sweet boy.

I can't tell you what this bear means to our little family. I am so grateful to have him, to have something to cuddle when I'm having a bad day. It will be nice to have something to represent Colby in family photos as well. Colby Bear has brought such comfort and joy to us, and I hope to the rest of our family as well.

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