June 26, 2015

Conversations with...

... with Hubs

I saw this little interview on Facebook one day and I just had to do it with Hubs. The directions were to catch him off guard with them, and that's just what I did.

1. What is something your wife always says to you?

I love you.
(Cue the awwww-ing)

2. What makes your wife happy?
I would hope me. Or chocolate.
(my husband holding chocolate is the ultimate source of happiness)

3. What makes your wife sad?
Umm. Bad news.
(... or a lack of chocolate in the house)

4. How does your wife make you laugh?

Cause you're wacky.
(wacky? am I really wacky?)

5. What was your wife like as a child?

Troublemaker from what I understand.
(just because my Grandmommy has ONE story about me misbehaving he thinks this)

6. How old is your wife?
She's an old hag! No I'm joking. I'll never tell!
(if i'm an old hag, he's a dirty old man)

7. How tall is your wife?
(I'm 5'4, for the record)

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Blogging. Is that close?
(It's in my top 3)

9. What does your wife do when you're not around?
Probably Blog or read.
(both... or nothing at all)

10. If your wife becomes famous, what will it be for?
Him: Getting away with murder.
Me: That's mean.
Him: Singing.
Me: Much better.

11. What is your wife really good at?
Being loving
(more awwww-ing)

12. What is your wife not very good at?
Putting away laundry and doing dishes.
(so very true)

13. What does your wife do for a job?

(soon to be CNA)

14.What is your wife's favorite food?
Honestly, I don't even know. It seems like you like pizza a lot. What is your favorite food? Does chocolate count.
(both count. spot on.)

15.What makes you proud of your wife?

How much you try to please me.
(and even more awwww-ing)

16. If your wife were a character, who would she be?
Bernadette from Big Bang Theory.
(bahahaha. Probably yeah)

17. What do you and your wife do together?
Watch Big Bang Theory.
(sensing a theme here?)

18. How are you and your wife the same?

We're both pretty funny.
(toot, tooting our own little horns)

19. How are you and your wife different?

You are more social than I am.
(this is sometimes a source of tension, but I think we handle it pretty well)

20. How do you know your wife loves you?

Him: Because she tells me.
Me: Like other than me telling you.
Him: She does things she doesn't necessarily like or want to do to make me happy. Like cook.
(hahaha. I don't LIKE to cook and I tell him all the time that I only cook cause he likes me to)

21. What does your wife like most about you?
It's probably my money. Haha, no. It's probably cause I can always make her laugh. Or at least I hope so.
(he can)

22. Where is your wife's favorite place to go?
Your mom's house.
(YAS. I miss my mommy)

23. How old was your Wife when you were born?

3 weeks old.
(I am totally a cougar you guys)

And now I'd like to introduce you to this month's co-host! Morgan is one of the sweetest people in blogland. She's got a handsome hubby and the cutest little puppy named Piper. She blogs about all kinds of things (just like me!) like recipes, DIY projects, and everything decor. So join us today and link-up a conversation, recent or not, with someone in your life.

Knock on Wood Blog | Conversations Link-Up

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