February 28, 2015

Conversations with...

... a sleeping hubs

So the other night I was laying in bed next to a passed out Hubs checking social media and playing Trivia Crack when I noticed that Hubs had turned on his stomach and was laying facedown in his pillow. I tried to wake him so he'd turn over, and this is what happened.

Hubs: *mumbles into the pillow*

Me: What?

Hubs: *more mumbles*

Me: Carson has Oreos?

Hubs: *turns over* No. I fixed the weld. It was on step 2.

*It was then I realized that he is still very much asleep because he doesn't talk details like this when he's awake, so I just play along*

Me: You fixed it?

Hubs: mmmmmm

Me: That's good.

*a few moments later*

Me: Did anyone have Oreos?

Hubs: *grumbling* No.

Me: Ok. Just making sure.

Clearly I was focused on those Oreos. I'm feeling the need to go pick some up later for dinner.

Now I want to introduce you to my loverly co-host Melissa! She's my Bestie in real life and thanks to tons of peer pressure, she started blogging. I am so glad she did, because now we get to share this amazing hobby and lifestyle together. It's just one more way for us to stay close.

You can fall in love with Melissa here:

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Link-up and share your own conversations with us!

Knock on Wood Blog | Conversations Link-Up

February 25, 2015

Bear The Amazing Escape Artist + #BloggerMenTellAll

Let's get real today. Monday night I experienced what I think it might be like when parents lose track of their child in a store for a few minutes.

It started out like every Monday evening. We were about to get ready to go to bed, so I put Bear outside to potty while I took a bath. About half and hour later, all fresh and clean, I step outside to bring Bear back inside. I didn't see him and he didn't come running to me. OK, sometimes he's a lazy bum and stays lounging behind the shed. I walk out there and I still don't see him. Panic starts to set in. I pull his tie out line towards me and his collar is still attached to the end, but it's been unbuckled!

I sprinted inside and woke Hubs up. I was literally on the verge of tears, but my anxiety and worry took over. How long has he been gone? How did his collar get unbuckled? Which way did he wander off to? Has he been hit by a car? Did someone steal him?

Without complaint my amazing husband got out of bed and we went out to look for him. I drove around for ten minutes, probably pissing people off with my slow speed. It felt like HOURS! No luck. I don't know why, but I decided to drive back around our block, which is the usual route we take for walks, and I finally spotted Bear. Relief. My baby is ok. I called Hubs and he made his way over to where we were. With the help of some neighbors, we corralled Bear and got his collar back on him and into my car.

It's no secret that Hubs still has reservations about Bear, and his frustration was evident that night. He made a comment that upset me as we got back into bed. "If this happens again, we are getting rid of him." Heartbreak. A few minutes later I asked if he was serious about that comment, and he said yes. However, the next morning, after being able to calm back down, and put things inter perspective I received this text message. "Hey love, sorry about last night. Just to let you know, I'll never get rid of Bear 'cause I know how much he means to you."

This is how I know he loves me. This is why I love my Hubs more and more every single day. So I'm going to let you get to know him just a little bit better with these great questions from Becca at Becoming Adorrable for Blogger Men Tell All.

1. What is your favorite winter hobby?

Hubs: Staying warm.
Me: If I were to answer this for you, I would say Sleeping and Video Games.
Hubs: Sleeping isn't really a hobby. I cuddle a lot too.
Me: True.

2. Did you do anything special for your blogger on February 14th?

Hubs: Would that be you?
Me: Yeeessss.
Hubs: Yes. I surprised you with TWO boxes of candy and I cooked dinner for you.
Me: Yes you did. It was good steak too.

3. What’s your favorite kind of candy?

Hubs: Butterfingers and Reece's Pieces. Oh and Twix.
Me: Anything peanut butter.
Hubs: Twix isn't' peanut butter.
Me: I know, but the other two are.
Hubs: Butterfinger is peanut butter?
Me: It's supposed to sorta be like peanut butter.
Hubs: Oh.

*We had to pause here a moment because Bear and Pumpkin were demanding attention*

4. Which Rom-Com would you choose to watch while you snuggle up with your Valentine?

Hubs: Romantic Comedy?
Me: Yep.
Hubs: *Gets up to look at our DVD collection and wiggles his butt at me*
Me: *giggles*
Hubs: The Princess Bride.
Me: Why?
Hubs: It's got everything a chick wants and a guy wants all in one.
Me: Did you just call me a chick.
Hubs: I was just referring to women in general.

5. Who, in your opinion, is the best US president ever?

Hubs: I plead the 5th on this one.
Me: why?
Hubs: It's one thing you don't discuss, religion and politics.
Me: Alrighty then.

Me: Do you have anything else you want to add?
Hubs: That I love my beautiful bloggy, blogger, whatever. Oh you're the bloggER and I'm the blogg-EE.
Me: *Dying*

Linking up with

Becoming Adorrable

February 24, 2015

Have you met Faith yet?

Happy Tuesday! Faith from Life with Mrs. G and The Artist is taking over Knock on Wood today while I'm off presenting that monster of a paper I wrote over the weekend and taking tests at school. I am so blessed to have "met" her and am having so much fun getting to know her through her blog and via text messages! I think everyone needs a little Faith in their life ( see what I did there?), so here she is!

When and why did you start blogging?

I started Life w/ Mrs G & the Artist 5 years ago just as a way for my family and friends to keep up with the stuff going on with us. I have always loved writing and so I thought .. why not start a blog. I also hope to write a book someday so I wanted to get a feel for writing something other than just stuff in my journal.

What's the story behind the name of your blog?

The story behind Life w/ Mrs G & the Artist is very simple. I wanted something that would involve both my husband and I because even though he doesn't really have much to do with the blog himself. I do talk about his quite a bit and he does indulge me every once in a while with a "boy behind the blog" post. So our last name starts with a G .. hence the Mrs G and the Artist for my husband because he literally a jack-of-all-talents.

What is your go-to dinner recipe?

Oh man, go-to meal...hmmmm..I have a couple that we switch between depending on the seasons. I love Tacos and it's really easy. Spaghetti & Jalapeno Garlic Bread is another one because we love Italian. The one we like the most is probably Chicken Pot Pie.

Do you think pets are people too? Why or Why not?

I absolutely think the world of our puggle, Max. He is our little baby and to us he is considered a person. We are most definitely animal lovers. I've always had pets going up and I plan to have them for my kids as well. They make life so much more enjoyed.

What's the best beauty tip you have ever received?

I'm so not a fashion/beauty person. ha! I do however hate to acne and for some reason my skin hates me so I get it a lot so I'm always looking for changes or things that I can do to help prevent it from showing up. And one of the more interesting things I heard was to de-germ your cell phone! I know most everyone probably already knows this but for this non-fashion/beauty person it was new. ha!

What's your favorite board/card game to play and why?

I LOVE games...and pretty much any kind of game. LG hates them so I don't play them to often but I think my favorite board game would have to be Apples to Apples or Taboo. I also love all the card games too. Uno, Skipbo, Phase 10 .. so fun!

It's Saturday night and you have two choices: 1. To go out on the town with your Blogging Tribe and have a spectacular girls night. OR 2. To rent movies, pop popcorn, drink wine in your PJs at a Blogger Sleepover. Which would you choose and why?

This question is the best!! I love hanging out with bloggers so I would do both but if I had to choose ..... it would probably be the sleepover!! ha! I'm still a teenager at heart and love those times when we have girls weekends and stay up hours talking and laughing. So much fun! And bloggers would be a blast...I mean, come on!!

 Isn't she great? You can learn more about Faith, LG, and little Max here:

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February 20, 2015

9 Things You Definitely Should NOT Give Up For Lent

Lent. It's a season of the Christian Year when we focus on simple living and fasting to grow closer to God. The beginning of the season is Ash Wednesday (this year it was Feb 18th) and lasts until Easter Sunday, April 5th. 40 days. During those 40 days Christians are supposed to fast from something that distracts them from God, and using that time they would have spent on watching reality tv, for example, to pray and read scripture.

Many people chose to give up sweets, but you can fast from just about anything: soda, junk food, bread, reality tv, social media, bubble baths, makeup, etc. Some of us are still trying to decide what to give up, and while there are several posts out there giving ideas on what to give up for Lent, I thought I'd take a different route and list some things you probably should NOT give up until Easter.

1. Deodorant.
For the sake of everyone around you, please, please do not give this up. I'm pretty sure you're fresh scent antiperspirant is not distracting you from God.

2. Cleaning your house.
Sure it's distracting from a lot of things, and none of us really like to clean, but you have to stay healthy and respect your body and it's environment or you'll have a whole new set of distractions to deal with.

3. Trivia Crack.
Especially if you play with me. Please don't give this up!! You are actually learning stuff when you play, or at least I am. So expand your knowledge and keep spinning that wheel!

4. Your Job.
Well.... I wish. But the bills still have to get paid somehow.

5. Blogging.
It does take a lot of time and energy to blog, but if you are blogging about things you are passionate about and it is helping a least ONE person, then you definitely don't need to give it up. Lent is also a time for service to others, so lets post all of our recipes and DIY posts now!

6. School.
Again, I wish. Education is important, so perhaps take small breaks from studying to pray for a moment, and if you can, choose a class that is religion based for that semester/session like I did with my History of Christianity class.

7. Coffee.
If you drink the stuff every single day, lets face it, you have an addiction to caffeine. I'm not saying that bad, cause I do too, but we all know what happens when you haven't had your coffee. It's not pretty. So lets say you give up the frilly flavored creamer or make your own at home instead of stopping at Starbucks. If you drink it black... well good for you. Just don't give it up!

8. Shaving.
Seriously ladies, this is NOT the same as No Shave November for the men. I know it's winter (for most of us anyways, glaring at you Californians and Floridians) but your husband/boyfriend is not gonna wanna tap that when your legs, armpits, and other various regions are hairier than his. Just saying. And for you single gals, you know what, do what you want. #nojudgement

9. Lets just go with Hygiene as a whole.
If I need to elaborate on this for you, please email me and we'll get you the help you need.

*EDIT 2-24-15*

I am adding an honorary number 10 because Emily from Ember Grey made a very valid point. You CANNOT give up Michael Bolton for Lent!


What are you giving up for Lent?

February 19, 2015

Sponsor Q & A With Our Favorite Llama

If you are from around these parts, you know that Melissa is my Llama, my real life BFF of 9 years, and just an all around awesome person. She blogs over at The Rambling Llama all about her life, her family, and everything in between. Today she is taking over to answer some questions for you all! Take it away Melissa!

When and why did you start blogging?

I originally started a blog in March of 2014. It was Crazy Camp Camacho, but sadly Google somehow deleted my entire gmail account... which of course included the blog. In June of 2014 (with Amanda's help) The Rambling Llama was born! Amanda has always been my biggest supporter, and actually encouraged me to start blogging!

What's the story behind the name of your blog?

Well, for Knock on Wood readers that don't know... Amanda helped me! (I did say that she's been behind my blog from the beginning!) She and I were texting, emailing, etc trying to come up with something clever. After Crazy Camp Camacho died (R.I.P.) we decided the blog needed to be re-branded. We tossed around names, plays on words, everything. I kept saying "Rambles" and she kept saying "Llamas" eventually The Rambling Llama was born!

What is your go-to dinner recipe?

Burritos! It's such a quick and easy dinner, and everyone in the house loves them! Plus, it gives me an easy way to throw in lots of veggies (hidden) in the tortilla. My son, Zander, even eats guacamole with burritos!

"hidden" veggies

Do you think pets are people too? Why or Why not?

Absolutely. Their personalities are incredible, and they are really intuitive to your feelings. My Gambit was just as excited as my babies to see me home at the beginning of the month. He knows when someone in the house is upset and tries to cheer them up with a big nudge. Not to mention all of the animals used in therapies and rescues. They're absolutely people too. Dogs and cats! Cats are just the stuck up ones in the house. ;)

What's the best beauty tip you have ever received?

"Don't use one color of eye shadow". I think this was from my aunt. I was in my early 20's and had bought a pallet of eye shadow, but my stubborn butt was only using one of the colors. I didn't realize the pallets were intended to blend together to create a better look. Also, "moisturize." After washing your face use a good moisturizer to keep your face looking youthful!

isn't she pretty?

What's your favorite board/card game to play and why?

Favorite board game is clue. I always like to be Ms. Scarlet because she's the pretty one. ;) LOL. I like trying to figure out the murder mystery. Favorite card game is Euchre. It's very similar to spades, but you only play with the 9 through Ace.

It's Saturday night and you have two choices: 1. To go out on the town with your Blogging Tribe and have a spectacular girls night. OR 2. To rent movies, pop popcorn, drink wine in your PJs at a Blogger Sleepover. Which would you choose and why?

Ooohh, both sound awesome. Can I pick both?? Just one? Ok... NUMBER ONE!
I'm a newly stay at home mom, and have had very little chances to go out on the town with my girls. I want to have a little fun, dance the night away, and enjoy the night! Plus who doesn't love a chance to dress up and look spectacular? Am I right?

Melissa Llama, Amanda, and Mel M circa 2008

You can learn more about Melissa and her sweet family here! Go say hi!

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February 17, 2015

Between the Lines: The Rosie Project


This month for Between the Lines with Anne and Kristyn, we read and are reviewing The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion (buy it from Amazon or from iTunes!).

The Book Synopses via Amazon: 

The art of love is never a science: Meet Don Tillman, a brilliant yet socially inept professor of genetics, who’s decided it’s time he found a wife. In the orderly, evidence-based manner with which Don approaches all things, he designs the Wife Project to find his perfect partner: a sixteen-page, scientifically valid survey to filter out the drinkers, the smokers, the late arrivers.

Rosie Jarman possesses all these qualities. Don easily disqualifies her as a candidate for The Wife Project (even if she is “quite intelligent for a barmaid”). But Don is intrigued by Rosie’s own quest to identify her biological father. When an unlikely relationship develops as they collaborate  on The Father Project, Don is forced
to confront the spontaneous whirlwind that is Rosie―and the realization that, despite your best scientific efforts, you don’t find love, it finds you.

Here is a video from Graeme Simsion himself talking about the book!

And now on to the Blogger Book Club Questions:

1. Were you surprised at the ultimate revelation of Rosie’s biological father? Did you suspect someone else?
About half way through I kinda suspected the outcome. It's so funny, though, that Don was able to help Gene work on his own relationship in the end after all Gene's help with Don's.

2. Do Don’s Asperger’s conditions help him or hinder him? Does Don’s having autism offer any advantages in his life?
I think he did quite well for himself. His schedule and thought process worked for him. But falling in Love alters just about everything in your life, and the fact that he was willing to change for Rosie is a wonderful thing! Change is pretty hard for people with Asperger's and Autism, so it was HUGE for him to do it.

3. Do you feel happy for Don when he gets rid of some of his unique mannerisms in order to win Rosie or do you feel that he lost a part of himself?
I feel proud of him rather than happy for him. Like I said, it takes a lot for people to change, but through in Asperger's or Autism and it's even harder. I don't think he lost himself, I think he grew as a person. I think he and Rosie were able to make some compromises around his mannerisms, that is part of the reason she fell for him ya know!

4. Does Gene get his comeuppance? What do you think of his marriage situation?
I felt bad for Gene's wife, Claudia, the entire book. She always seemed so sad when her marriage was brought up. She was trying to be a "good wife" by giving Gene what he wanted, but it ultimately taxed their relationship far more than she expected. What's horrible, is that Gene didn't even notice. I don't think he wanted to. I applaud Don for standing up to Gene and opening his eyes about the state of his marriage.

My personal thoughts:

I absolutely loved this book! I have recommended it several times already, and I really want to read the sequel, The Rosie Effect (buy it on Amazon or iTunes!). I feel like it was extremely well written and provided a refreshing change reading a love story from the male perspective. The added element of Asperger's was an interesting twist. I felt like I could totally relate and understand Rosie's reactions to Don's schedule, unique way of thinking, and his scientific honesty about everything. I enjoyed the similarities between Don and Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory, even if Simsion wasn't intending for this to be the case. If you haven't read this, add to you list now!

Next Month we are reading All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr (buy it on Amazon or iTunes!)

Have you read The Rosie Project? 
Are you going to participate in next months Between The Lines Blogger Book Club?

Linking up with

Chits and Giggles

February 16, 2015

The Joy of a Snowy Morning

I woke up this morning to a wet nose on my shoulder. I have no need for an alarm clock, because Bear has his own schedule and he makes sure I stick to it. I put on my robe and walked with him to the back door and you know what we saw? SNOW! So I hurried back to the bedroom to bundle up, grabbed my wellies, and we headed outside.

Great Pyrenees are made for cold weather and mountains. While we don't live in a very mountainous region, we do have plenty of cold weather for Bear to frolic in. It's only snowed one other time since we've had him and it was barely a dusting that time. Today we had a few inches to play with.

Seeing him running around, biting the snow, and just genuinely have the best time ever completely made my day. You can see the joy he had, I could feel it! What a wonderful and amazing blessing it is to wake up to this scene, to have this moment with Bear, to witness his elation over something so simple. I am truly grateful to my husband for giving in to my pleading to adopt Bear, for putting up with all the little issues of adjustments, for trying to love Bear as much as I do (Hubs is not really a dog person). It makes me love Hubs even more to know that he loves me so much that he will do nearly anything to make me happy. And happy, I am. 

What are you grateful for today? 
Do your dogs love the snow as much as mine? 
How has your spouse shown thier love for you?

Linking up with

Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

February 15, 2015

Conversation with...


Most of the best conversations Hubs and I have are when we are laying in bed before we fall asleep. And here's another prime example!

Hubs: Where's Misty?

Me: I don't know. Probably laying on the heating pad on the couch.

Hubs: *calling to Misty* Misty!?!!

Me: Pumpkin and Bear are in here. Oh. I bed she won't come because Bear is laying in the doorway.

Hubs: Why does he do that?

Me: It's his guarding instincts.

*after a few mins Bear moves back to his bed*

Hubs: *calling to Misty* You're free now!!!

Me: *giggling* She's such a turd.

Hubs: mm hmm

Me: They are all turds. I'm surrounded by turds!!!

Hubs: And you're the biggest one of all.

If you don't think he didn't get smacked for that, you're wrong.

Do you have a sharable conversation? Link-up with me and my lovely co-host this week, Faith! It's open all week!

You're Hosts!

Follow Faith: 

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Knock on Wood Blog | Conversations Link-Up

February 13, 2015

Quick & Easy Chocolate Fudge Recipe + Blogger Love

Quick and Easy Chocolate Fudge Recipe

Since I totally fail at my Nanna's homemade fudge recipe, I started looking on Pinterest for some easy, no-fail recipes to try. I found a few, tried a few, and ended up combining a few with some things from Nanna's version to make my own. I took the finished product to class yesterday and everyone asked me how I made it! Hubs even got mad that I took the whole container and didn't leave him any to have with his lunch. I plan on printing out some recipe cards for my classmates next week, but I thought I would share it here for you guys too.


  • 2 11oz bags of Chocolate Chips (I get a milk chocolate bag and a semi-sweeet bag)
  • 1 14oz can of Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 1.2 tsp of Vanilla
  • Dash of Salt
  • Sprinkle of Cinnamon


  • Medium/Large Microwave Safe bowl
  • 9 x 9 Brownie Pan (or something similar, but preferably square or rectangle in shape)
  • Alumininum Foil
  • Cooking Spray
  • Paper Towel
  • Microwave
  • Refrigerator

Here's what you do:

Step 1:  Line your pan completely with aluminum foil.

Step 2:  Spray some cooking spray on your paper towel and use it to coat your aluminum foil lightly. Bottom & sides!

Step 3:  Put all your ingredients in a microwave safe bowl and stir until mixed evenly.

Step 4:  Heat in microwave for 2 - 2.5 minutes.

Step 5:  Stir again until smooth.

Step 6:  Pour your mixture into the pan and spread evenly.

Step 7:  Place in the refrigerator to harden for about 1.5 - 2 hours, then cut into bite-sized pieces.

    Easy Right? Seriously guys, you will not fail with this recipe.

    And now, because it's Friday, let's spread some Blogger Love with Meagan from All the Joys!

    Where Do You Even Begin With Spirituality? - The New Wifestyle
    I have been struggling with some faith/spiritual/academic stuff lately, but I'm not quite ready to write about it just yet. This post helped though :)

    A Simple Ray of Sunshine - The Rambling Llama
    Oh my gosh, I'm seriously wanting my Llama to do more poetry!

    Me Time - Kenji is Here

    What to Tell Yourself When You Don't Want to Exercise - Sage
    I just want to hire Cassie as my personal trainer.

    All the Golden Vlogs! You can check those out over on Faith's post! >>> HERE <<<

    in case you missed it, previously on Knock on Wood...

    Golden Vlog: February 2015 Edition
    Sponsor Takeover with Kathy!
    Praise for a Grateful Heart

    What were your favorite posts this week? Have you ever made homemade fudge?

    Linking up with

    All the Joys - Blogger Love

    February 12, 2015

    Golden Vlog: February 2015 Edition

    Welcome back for another edition of the Golden Vlog series with Faith from Life with Mrs. G and The Artist! This link-up has quickly become one of my favorites and I look forward to doing it each month :)

    Here are the questions for February:
    1. Where did you grow up?
    2. What state did/do you live in? {If you are comfortable saying}
    3. Do you have siblings?
    4. Do you have a nickname?
    5. Did you have a pet growing up? If so, what was it?
    6. Do you have any favorite stories from childhood?
    7. What did you think your life would be like when you were older?
    8. What is your most embarrassing memory?
    9. Tell us your love story and what your plans are this Valentines Day.
    10. What's your favorite Valentines Day Memory?
    And now for the part you really want to see and probably just scrolled down to without reading everything above it, the vlog:

    If you are having trouble viewing the video in this post, click here.

    Here's that story I mentioned: How I Got to Missouri

    You've gotten to see Pumpkin and Bear, this time Misty wanted her moment of fame

    Previous Golden Vlogs:

    Did you participate in the series this month?

    February 10, 2015

    Sponsor Takeover with Kathy!

    Hi readers! I want to take a moment to introduce you to one of my first bloggy friends, Kathy. She blogs over at Him & Me, but mostly me. She is the youngest of four and comes from an Argentinian family. Born and bred in Los Angeles and still lives there (lucky girl!). Kathy and Thomas got married on April 26, 2014 (just a week after I did!), and they are now the parents of a sweet Chihuahua mix named Lance. Kathy agreed to the name Lance so she won't be forced to name any of their future children that name. They do plan on starting a family in the next year or so, but in the meantime they are enjoying spending time together as husband and wife!

    Now on to the fun Q & A section! Take it away Kathy!

    When and why did you start blogging?

    I originally started blogging sometime in 2002. I had graduated high school and sort of moved away for college and somehow I discovered Live Journal (remember those days, girls?). I’m not sure why I started it other than I like to write and express myself. I still have access to that blog and I printed out a bunch of them. It was more like what Facebook is now than a blog, though. I posted small things several times a day sometimes. Since then I’ve blogged mostly on, but had a year or two in which I didn’t.

    What's the story behind the name of your blog?

    I wanted to start blogging again about a year ago while I was in the midst of wedding planning and could not think of a name. I asked for lots of help in brainstorming from my friends and family. Finally we settled on Him & Me (But Mostly Me). It’s pretty self-explanatory – It’s a blog about our life, but really, it’s about me with him thrown in every once in a while.

    What is your go-to dinner recipe?

    My husband is very very picky when it comes to eating, but he has some staples he loves (chicken teriyaki, spaghetti, pizza bites, steak). So usually what I’m cooking is more for me. Currently it is pork chops. I buy the Saute Express form Land O Lakes and use that to cook the pork and then I pair it with sautéed onions and mushrooms – both very low calories. I’ll also add some additional frozen veggies.

    Do you think pets are people too? Why or Why not?

    Hmm, very interesting question. As most people around these parts know, I’m a new fur momma (read more about Lance). I love my puppy, but I am also very stressed out by him. He pees everywhere (I know, my fault) and I guess because he is cooped up during the day he wants to run around at night when I’m sleeping. We live in an upstairs condo so I know my downstairs neighbors don’t like the banging of shoes being played with at midnight. So to answer… I think that he isn’t quite a human to me yet, but I can see it happening once we get past these bumps.

    What's the best beauty tip you have ever received?

    I think I’d say that it was to simply not wear make-up. My mom work make-up when she was younger but grew out of it so I never was really interested. The only time I’ve really worn it was on my wedding day (read about Kathy's Wedding). Make-up ends up causing wrinkles in the long run, and I have enough of those already. The only other tip would be to put on face cream which I always forget to do. Bad Kathy.

    What's your favorite board/card game to play and why?

    Ohh Amanda, you know me well! I have a few. Thomas and I love playing board/card/dice games and have invested quite a bit of money into it over the past year. I love Munchkin, Kingsburg, and Quarriors right now. There is another one we have our eyes on for future purchase.

    It's Saturday night and you have two choices: 1. To go out on the town with your Blogging Tribe and have a spectacular girls night. OR 2. To rent movies, pop popcorn, drink wine in your PJs at a Blogger Sleepover. Which would you choose and why?

    I would most definitely pick #2. I am not an out on the town kind of person – it makes me anxious. I would just replace the wine with cocktails (vodka and cranberry juice is fine) and we’d be set. So when is the big date?

    Isn't she great?? I simply adore her and we text and snapchat nearly every single day! You can become her friend too! Here's how:

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     photo KOW Sig 10-2014_zpsfrdl0df5.png

    February 9, 2015

    Praise for a Grateful Heart

    There is victory in the Lord! Yes, my friends, there is. And my wonderful Husband made a very important commitment to God, to me, and to the world yesterday. Yesterday, a long with 3 others, Philip was baptized. You guys, I can't tell how how much joy this has provided, but it brought me to tears. I am so, so grateful for Jesus and His saving grace.

    I am also grateful that Bear is doing so much better now after his "surgery" on Friday. #nomoreballs
    Poor baby was so pitiful and lethargic until Sunday afternoon, but this morning he's almost back to his normal self.

    In other news, I've installed two new Blog designs in the past couple weeks! The latest being Kendra's over at Kenji is Here. (I did Grady's over at Gradybird last week) The more I do them, the more I learn and it's a wonderful thing.

    Kenji is Here - Blog Design by Amanda Wood Designs

    Working with my clients is the best part of the design process. By having open communications with them, I have the privilege to get to know them beyond their blog content and comments. It's magical to bring their personalities to life with colors, fonts, and images. And their sweet words of praise just melt my heart and reassure me that my decision to start doing designs was a good one.

    What are you grateful for this week?

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    Linking up with

    Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

    February 6, 2015

    Blogger Love is the BEST

    I received a sweet, sweet text this morning from Faith and the conversation that was born from it really touched my heart. You see, Faith and I share a love for God and believe that He gives us what we need when He decides we need it. And that applies to people too!

    God gave me my #Tribe when I was about to give up on finding friends here Missouri. My heart is overflowing with love and praise for the joy and support I receive from these lovely ladies. Then God went above and beyond and gave me my new friend Kaity. So, now I have my #Tribe everywhere I go, and Kaity here with me in person.

    P.S. A little bird told me that Kaity might be joining us here in Blogland soon, though!

    Ok, now it's time to share some of that love! These are some of my favorite posts from the past couple weeks:

    How to Keep Track of Your Sponsors - The So-Called Homemaker
    This post has literally saved me! I feel so much more organized because of Christine's idea. I was able to take her format, tweak it little to suit my needs, and BOOM perfection! #Adulting

    Nutella Oreo Cheesecake - All the Joys
    Need I say more?

    Conversations & Blogger Love - The Adventures of Bug and Boo
    Simply adorable.

    Contentment - Life with Mrs. G and The Artist
    This post is so beautiful, raw, and deep.

    10 Ways You're Driving Your Spouse Crazy - The New Wifestyle
    This post made me laugh so hard, but it's also kind of a wake up call. We need to be a bit more mindful of ourselves sometimes.

    Valentine's Day Blogging Prompts - Love the Here and Now
    These are perfect for the upcoming holiday! I've definitely got a few lined up myself.

    5 Reasons I Will NEVER Return to Your Blog - The So-Called Homemaker
    YES! 100% agree to all of these.

    on that same note,
    10 Blogging Kisses of Death - Sage
    Again, YES!

    And let's give a huge round of applause and Welcome back our favorite Llama to Blogland.
    My New Normal - The Rambling Llama

    What were your favorite posts this week?

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    February 3, 2015

    Being Grateful for the Awesome Things About Hubs

    Being married is truly amazing, but it's not always sunshine and rainbows. It's hard work. So in order to stay positive during the tough times, we try to focus on the good things about each other, and make sure the other knows how much we appreciate what the other does for our family. So here are some Awesome things about my Hubs (that I can share in a public forum anyway).

    1. He supports our family financially.
    I'm in school full time, I have this blog, and my blog design business. Believe it or not this takes up a lot of time and energy. And my wonderful Hubs works 10-12 hours a day 6-7 days a week to provide for us and keep us comfortable. He has never pressured me to get a job of any kind, even though I have offered and looked and applied for jobs. 

    2. He supports me emotionally. 
    I have big dreams, and he is right there beside me cheering me on and lifting me up, and holding me accountable. And boy do I love this about him. I don't think I would be as successful as I have been without him there beside me. 

    3. He tries. 
    We, like every couple, have our own issues and spats. But we compromise and agree to terms. Hubs tries so hard to hold up his end of the bargain. And I will admit that he does a much better job at it than I do, without holding it against me. 

    4. I always have a snuggle buddy. 
    Be jealous. My husband loves to cuddle and snuggle with me, and during these colder months it's awesome! We don't have to keep our thermostat turned up very high because of this. Not to mention the intimacy benefits of cuddling, if you know what I mean. 

    5. I'm spoiled. 
    Yep. I get everything I need, and just about everything I want within reason. I mean, hello shed! I did a whole post on this... Here

    6. He keeps me laughing. 
    Seriously. I am always laughing at some crazy thing he's saying or face he's making. I mean you've all gotten a small taste of it through the Conversations link-up

    7. He's always on my side. 
    If I'm mad, he's mad with me. If I'm upset, he helps me through it. If I'm happy, he's happy. He stand up for me when necessary. It's nice to know I always have a partner to lean on, to vent to, to get advice from. I do my best to do the same for him. We stick together, and I think this is a very important aspect in our marriage.

    8. He helps around the house. 
    I hate putting the laundry away. He does it for me. I hate putting the dishes away. He does it. He takes out the trash, cleans out the liter box, and takes care of all the car stuff. It's so so nice to have someone help with chores without complaint. 

    9. Surprises. 
    Hubs brings me little gifts all the time. Be it my favorite candy from the store or a little something from my Amazon wish list. Sometimes it's just a sweet text in the mornings. These little things are amazing and it shows that I am on his mind all the time. 

    10. He's just a good man. 
    He's is absolutely the best man that has ever been in my life outside of my family, and really even compared to some of the men in my family. I just cannot put to words how grateful I am and how blessed I am to have my husband. I honestly do not know what I would do without him now. 

    What's awesome in your life right now? What are you grateful for?

     photo KOW Sig 10-2014_zpsfrdl0df5.png

    Linking up with

    Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey  Love the Here and Now

    February 2, 2015

    The Blogiversary Giveaway Winner!

    I'm so happy to announce the Blogiversary Giveaway winner today! 

    Sheryl from How to Make a Life won the amazing prize of $180 PayPal Cash! 

    Go congratulate her! 

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