May 29, 2015

Blogger Love - Still Playing Catch Up

Since I've been out of the loop for a while, I had a lot of blog reading to do. Playing catch up has kept me busy the past few days. Since today is Friday and we link up with Meagan at All the Joys on Friday for Blogger Love, I'll be sharing some of my favorite posts from the past few weeks.

5 Podcasts for Believers - Guest Post by Sage on Yellow Door Diaries
This post has convinced me I need to get into the Podcast thing. Cassie had some great suggestions to get me started and as a believer, these are the best ones.

Simple Instagram Tips - Love The Here and Now
For Reals, Anne always has great tips for just about anything blog related and Instagram is no different.

Failed Intentions - The Adventures of Bug and Boo
Oh how I can relate to her struggle to get things done. While I don't have two tiny humans to look after, I do have a full time job (with seven senior humans to look after), I go to school full time, my husband, my house, and four furkids to tend to. It's a lot to do before you can take some time to yourself and sit down an blog. Rebecca's perseverance is admirable, and I want to be like her when I grow up.

#MoreThanAFrame T R U T H - Sage
This Instagram challenge is, by far, my favorite. It's more than just pictures, it's grown into a wonderful supportive community. Each week Cassie shares her favorite posts from the prompt, and I have begun to look forward to this re-cap.

Happiness Stamped (A Grateful Heart + A Special Giveaway) - Ember Grey.
This new challenge from Emily is going to be great! Find out more about it on her Twelve Months of Bliss page HERE.

Obstacles to Submission - Sage
This post gave me a HUGE lightbulb regarding some struggles I'm having in my own life. Cassie just put it all out there, and maybe I need to do that to.

How to Make Your Blog Visually Appealing - Hey Kerri Blog
I'm a sucker for blog related posts anyways, but Kerri really hits the nail on the head with her tips in this post.

There you have it folks. And I'm kind of almost maybe caught up on my blog reading. Even if I didn't comment on every single post, I read them.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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May 28, 2015

Let's Play Catch Up

Whew! It's been a while, and I'm sorry not sorry about it. Sometimes life just has to come first and I have come to terms with this, and no longer feel guilty about having to step away from the blog for a bit.

Anywho. A lot has been going on lately, so lets catch up with a Currently post.

 My husband. In the past month he has shown me so much love. Starting with letting me keep my little man Robbie, then conceding to my iPhone upgrade, buying us the brand-new-king-sized-sent-from-heaven-matress-of-perfection (which is being delivered on Saturday!), and booked our cruise for December. Amazing isn't he?

Reading: Nothing. I need to catch up on my blog reading, and now that things are starting to seem like they are calming down and getting back into routine I just might be able to start.

Feeling: Exhausted, but refreshed at the same time. My body is so tired every day from work, but opening this sparkly new post to type up is making me feel so much better.

Watching: Game of Thrones!  Things are finally starting to get good.

Writing: Again, nothing. Besides this post, the only thing I've written is nurse's notes and they aren't very exciting. BUT I have several good ideas for posts that I'm going to start writing soon.

Listening: Worth It by Fifth Harmony. I just can't get enough of this song lately.

Wanting: For Bear to be done with the spring shedding. Right now there are tufts of fur all over my house. It looks like I haven't vacuumed in weeks. In reality, I vacuumed day before yesterday. The struggle is real. And all of that is AFTER brushing him outside and getting over half a trash bag of fur off him each time.

Needing: To reverse all of the ceiling fans in our house to the summer settings. Heat and stagnant air are not my thing.

Hoping: Things get sorted out at work without too many crazy changes.

Avoiding: Laundry, like always.

Wishing: It was December already! I can't wait for our cruise! We're leaving right after Christmas and going to Florida, Mexico, Jamaica, Bahamas, the Grand Cayman Islands, and back to Florida. Neither one of us has ever been on a cruise before and this will be our first real vacation together, as well as a super late honeymoon.

Trying: To increase my step count each day. This is so much harder than I realized it would be. #lazy

Hating: How much down time I don't have anymore. It really sucks, and even more so since we don't have internet at work anymore.

Missing: My Tribe.

Praying: For a smooth summer. It's not my favorite season.

Thinking: About so many things that I couldn't even fit it all into one post.

So that my life lately. What have you been up to?

May 20, 2015

Daily Lessons: Find Your Own Sunshine

It's a quiet, rainy Wednesday here and everyone, including myself, seems so sleepy and depressed today. It's funny how the weather affects my residents so much. Even my bright pink scrubs aren't helping to lighten the mood. Isn't May supposed to be a warm and happy month that brings sunshine and new flowers? 

I believe we are given a lesson each day, and it's our job to figure out what it is. Today I am learning to find my own sunshine. 

What was your lesson today?

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May 18, 2015

Armadillo Season

Over the weekend, Hubs and I traveled the 30 minutes to get Chipotle and do a little shopping. While we were driving home I counted 14 Armadillo bodies on the side of the highway. I turned to Hubs and said that it must be Armadillo season. That started me thinking about seasons and time, and ultimately the verse you see above from Ecclesiastes came to mind.

The past few weeks have been a bit stressful for me; papers, finals, ongoing craziness at work, and some tough personal decisions that need to be made. I neglected several things, including this blog, and on the one hand I am sorry, but on the other hand, I'm not. I needed to step away bit to keep myself sane and my husband from thinking I'm a hermit. Right now it seems like this phase will never end, like I will never feel at peace with my life again. That's when I go back to Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and I am reminded and reassured that this season of my life will come to an end and a new one will begin.

I've got two weeks until the summer session starts, and I've decided to only take one course. Giving myself a bit of a brain break, especially since the course I chose will be a pretty easy one. Another great thing about this course is that it gives me the right credits to get my Associates Degree. Woot!

Today I am grateful for the reassurance from God that things will get better. I'm grateful to have a supportive husband who's got my back. I'm grateful life gives me options to choose from.

What are you grateful for?

Linking up with
Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

Check out my current Chestnut sponsor!

May 11, 2015

Boobs Deep

Finals Week is upon me... and I am not prepared.

If I don't post I'm probably trying to stay afloat in a sea of papers, books, and high lighters. Boobs Deep guys, Boobs Deep.

Don't worry! I will take breaks to read blogs and promote sponsors. But trying to write awesome posts in the midst of writing two ten page papers on Asperger's Syndrome is not going to be easy. Pray for me. I need it.

Check out my current Chestnut sponsor!

May 7, 2015

Sponsor Takeover with Sarah

When and why did you start blogging?

I am the epitome of "third time's a charm" when it comes to blogging. I launched my first blog at the end of my first year in college (2010) "Bombshelled Glitter" I posted here and there but I really didn't put much into it as I was living the college dream. I didn't think much of it and ended up putting that blog on the very, very back burner. Once I started teaching in 2013, I launched another blog "Juice Boxes and Glitter" This blog I really did put a lot into. I kept up with it frequently and posted at least three times a week. Well, at the beginning of 2015, I decided to take the year off from teaching to go back to school and travel. That is where "Coffee&Glitter" started...clearly, glitter is a thing in my life. Anyways, I felt like it was more appropriate to launch a lifestyle blog to track the events of this year instead of flooding my teacher friends blog feeds with wishlists and recipes! I am really happy with the progress and growth of C&G and I am really happy that I chose to start another blog over just quitting for a year.

What's the story behind the name of your blog?

Well, as you read before, all of my blogs were "something"&Glitter. I am not entirely sure why but it sounded good to me and is something that I wouldn't have to change if I were to get married or have children anytime soon.

What is your go-to dinner recipe?

This is probably going to sound like the weirdest thing ever but I promise, it is delicious! I like to bake a sweet potato in the oven at 400* for 45 minutes.  Then, I will cut up an avocado into small squares and place it inside the sweet potato with feta cheese. Finally top with 1/4 cup of bbq sauce!-omg my mouth is watering now!

Do you think pets are people too? Why or Why not?

Haha this really isn't even a question in my little world! Of course I do! Our dogs are our babies. They go with us everywhere and are insanely spoiled.

What's the best beauty tip you have ever received?

Never go to sleep with makeup on-no matter how tired (or drunk) you may be! My mom gave me this bit of wisdom. Not only does it leave your pillows all nasty, it is horrible for your skin and-who wants to look like a raccoon when they wake up?!

What's your favorite board/card game to play and why?

I love cards against humanity! Even though it is a bit risque, J and I love playing this after a big family dinner!

It's Saturday night and you have two choices: 1. To go out on the town with your Blogging Tribe and have a spectacular girls night. OR 2. To rent movies, pop popcorn, drink wine in your PJs at a Blogger Sleepover. Which would you choose and why?

I would totally pick renting movies and having a blogger sleepover complete with wine and popcorn! I think that this would be a great way to get to know the rest of the girls and I mean, what is better than an adult sleepover? I would probably turn it into a mini spa night as well where we can do makeovers/masks/nails/and share beauty tips!

Don't you just love her?? If you fell in love with Sarah like I did, you can stalk her too!

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May 4, 2015

Being Grateful

Good Morning Monday. It's the start of another week and while it's not everyone's favorite day, we should still be grateful for it.

If you are following me in Instagram, you'll know that I am currently dog sitting this adorable Dachshund named Robbie while my boss, Nadine, is on vacation. I had met him a couple times before when she's brought some of her dogs up to visit with the residents. He's a sweet little thing, full of energy and love. We've loved having him in our little family the past few days, and we've still got a week to go!

Nope, he doesn't like me. Not one little bit.

Come to find out, Nadine is trying to re-home some of her animals, and I don't blame her. Currently, she's got 11 cats and 5 dogs (including Robbie), and I'm pretty sure there are some birds, fish, and rabbits too. A zoo! Well, Robbie is one of the dogs she's looking for a new home for, and you know what? Hubs agree last night that his new home will be with us.

You can imagine my excitement to have a new baby in our house. Hubs really does spoil me, but I'm not complaining. I appreciate and am so grateful for all he does for me and our family. I'm grateful that we can give this sweet little man a good home, and that Nadine's daughters can come a visit Robbie whenever they want. I'm grateful that I can help out a friend.

What are you grateful for?

linking up with
Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

Check out my current Chestnut sponsor!

May 1, 2015

Faking it Friday

Well. It's Friday and I'm supposed to have a post for you guys. But to be quite honest, Finals are in two weeks and I've got to finish two term papers before then as well. The end of the Session is always the busiest and like Kendra, I'm Boobs Deep in notes, research, and highlighters.

Sooooooo lets just pretend this post was like really awesome and you loved it. So here are some gifs to make it better.

Have a great weekend!

Check out my current Chestnut sponsor!