January 30, 2015

Conversations with...


It's that time again! The 30th of the month means sharing more conversations! This link-up is so so fun and I love reading all the fun conversation you have with the people and pets around you. I definitely dropped the ball on reminding everyone about the link-up this time, but it's open through till next Friday so you have plenty of time to join me!

Today I'm bringing you one of the daily theatrics I am blessed to witness from my wonderful husband. He keeps me laughing, and I love it!

Pumpkin jumps on Hubs while he's laying on the couch and starts making biscuits on his chest.

Hubs: *in an overly dramatic voice* AAHHH I'm dying! Pumpkin is trying to murder me!

Me: You're not dying. She does that to me all the time and I'm still here.

Hubs: I'm already half dead. She's broken all my ribs and is shoving them in my internal organs!

Me: Oh my goodness! You are fine!

Hubs: *lets out a dramatic "final" breath* I'm dead.

Me: But you're still breathing.

Hubs: I breathe when I die. Shhhhh

Me: *laughing hysterically* Ok. Rest in Peace.

Have you had a conversation worth sharing lately? Share it with me below!

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Knock on Wood Blog | Conversations Link-Up

January 28, 2015

I Was "Cool" Before Being "Hipster" Was a Thing

Now that I'm nearly thirty (!!!) I'm seeing what my mom was talking about with the fads being recycled, like neon colors, "skinny" jeans, high-waisted jeans/pants, and cross body purses. I think I even saw some shoulder pads recently and I have requests concerning that one. Please lets not bring those back... I mean really?

Some of these "new" fads are funny to me, because I've been doing/wearing/liking them for years! Here's are a things that are HUGE now, but were "weird" back in my day. (I can't believe I just said that... I really am getting old.)

1. Purple
Everyone is LOVING the color purple all of a sudden. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I love that I can actually find purple things in the stores now, but Purple has been my favorite color since high school. Back then red and pink were the big colors. Target carries a whole line of matching purple office supplies (#Heaven), and what's even more awesome is that the brand I'm speaking of, Yoobi, donates one of their school/office supplies to schools and children in America for every one purchase. As if I didn't need even more of an incentive to buy more notebooks and pens.

2. Nutella
I also discovered this delicious treat in high school, and back then it was hard to find. My french teacher brought some in when we made crepes in class and everyone fell in love with it. Now it's everywhere and a bit cheaper too! Plus people are creating some amazing recipes using it. #Score

3. Glasses
Mmkay. I have to wear glasses (or contacts) because my vision sucks. Now people are wearing fashion frames with fake lenses! I've been rocking glasses since high school. At first I was not happy about them (I was also mad because my parents would buy me contacts) and I would only wear them when I absolutely needed to, but eventually being able to see all the things won out and I started wearing them daily. What's awesome is that with this newfound love everyone has for glasses, more affordable places to get them from are popping up. Seriously guys, prescription glasses can be EXPENSIVE, but I have found my new favorite go-to for glasses. Firmoo.

Legit, I loved the entire experience of ordering through them. Sure you order them online, but you can still "try on" each pair! Just upload a photo of yourself to the Firmoo site and it shows you what the frame look like on your face! Amazing right? This was one of my reservations about ordering glasses online, but that lovely feature put those worries right out of my head. I ordered around the holidays so they took a little longer to be shipped, but everything arrived as promised with a sweet new case, cleaning cloth, and a handy dandy screwdriver. I put them on and immediately fell in love. And you guys, Firmoo's pricing is AMAZING. Literally about half the price of what I would normally pay at the eye doctor. I've got at least two more pairs in mind for a future order.

And right now Firmoo is offering your first pair for free! Just choose from >>>this<<< selection of frames and use the code FREEFIRMOO at checkout! Cool right?!

4. Vests
Yep. I was rocking vests back in grade school people. While I'm not a huge fan of them on myself anymore (hello boobs), I LOVED them in second grade and insisted that I wore one for picture day.

So there you have it folks. I was Cool before Hipster became a thing. Oh and get this! I was told by a 18 year old that goes to my college that the word "cool" is now a derogatory term used to make fun of people. So I looked it up on Urban Dictionary and found a two definitions (one, two) that support this statement. When did that happen????

What have you been doing since before it was "Cool"?

*Disclaimer: I was compensated with a free pair of glasses from Firmoo in exchange for this review. As always, all opinions are 100% my own.*

January 26, 2015

Grateful Spaces

The moment you've all been waiting for! The Big Reveal of our new Shed and the progress on the Guest Bedroom!

After a few weeks of building, organizing, cleaning, and more organizing I have finally gotten things presentable. I still have to re-paint and finish decorating the Guest Room, but at least now its a usable space again. And that is all thank to Hubs and his dad building me a shed in our back yard to house our storage items, yard equipment, and other various items that would normally be found in a garage or shed.  I have to say it turned out to be bigger than Hubs and I were expecting and that is AWESOME! We even have a cute little counter and cabinet to go in there (they haven't been installed yet) and father-in-law says he can run electrical out there so we can have a light and plug things in.

I said I needed to paint it. The pink is brighter and more eye piercing in person, but I have enough paint leftover from doing the kitchen to remedy the situation. I'm excited to have a place for someone to stay with us! I can invite my sister for the summer and have my Mom come visit. The room is small, but it functions the way I need it to.

There was enough space at the foot of the bed for me to put a desk. So, now I have a cute little office space to blog and study in a quiet area. And Hubs can play his video games without distracting me, and without me giving him dirty looks for being loud.

I am so grateful to have these spaces. It gives me peace of mind to know our storage shed is locked up and the babes can't get into the car maintenance supplies or get trapped in all the boxes and totes, and that our floor won't fall though with all the weight (this happened to a friend of Hubs' recently). I'm grateful to have a space where I can focus better on school work and blog writing. Mostly I'm grateful that Hubs made all of this happen for us.

What are you grateful for today?

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Linking up with

Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

January 23, 2015

List Yourself #3 - Thoughts Before Falling Asleep

I'm the kind of person who gets sleepy while sitting on the couch, but as soon as I get up and go to bed I'm wide awake again and can't shut my brain off. Hubs on the other hand is out like a light as soon as his head hits the pillow. #jealous

Fair warning... this list may be long and probably a little silly.

List what usually goes through your mind just before you fall asleep.

"Dang it! I forgot to do [insert task here] today!"

"Ugh. Why can't Hubs keep his butt on his side of the bed?"

"What should I wear to school tomorrow?"

"I hope Llama is ok."

"My back hurts so bad right now. Should I take a muscle relaxer or just try and wait it out?"

"Dude. I just got comfy and now I have to pee."

*random noise in the house* "I hope that was the cats playing and not a crazed dog friendly murder."

"I have got to start working out again."

"Did I schedule out my social media posts for tomorrow?"

"I hope people like my post tomorrow. I worked really hard on it."

"Do my readers thing I'm funny? or do they think I'm stupid and trying to hard?"

"[insert color, pattern, or concept here] would be perfect for so&so's design. I have got to remember that tomorrow when I'm working on it."

"Why did Hubs look at me weird earlier tonight? I hope he was just tired or something. OMG! What if he's mad at me for something I don't even know I did? Or maybe he's mad because I forgot to do something... was there something I was supposed to do for him today?"

"I hope Bear let's me sleep until 7." (note: he's been waking me up earlier and earlier each morning.)

*looks at the time* "It's so late. Why can't I just fall asleep already?"

"That post I read this morning was really good. I should write a post like that sometime."

"Oh these cats are annoying right now. Why do that have to sleep in my foot space on the bed all the time? Why can't they sleep on Hubs' foot space sometimes?"

"Maybe if I lay really still and pretend to be sleeping I'll fall asleep."

Legit. This happens Every. Single. Night. Unless I've taken my pain meds and muscle relaxers for my back, which is rarely.

What goes through your mind when before you fall asleep?

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Knock on Wood - List Yourself

January 21, 2015


Loving: Lora's new design I installed last night! Go check it out! >>> Heart of Life <<<

Reading: The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion for February's Between The Lines Blogger Book Club. It's so good.

Feeling: Productive. I've got three more designs on my list, I had a wonderful and enlightening conversation with Hubs this morning, and school is going really well so far.

Watching: Galavant. This show is so freaking funny you guys.

Writing: Besides this post, I'm taking notes from my textbooks.

Listening: Honey I'm Good by Any Grammer. This song is so catchy and upbeat, plus the message is a good one too. The video is Amazing and I tear up almost every time, especially at the end.

Wanting: a new Macbook. Mine is about 7 years old now and it's time. The hardware just can't keep up with the software anymore.

Needing: More hours in the day. I've got so much going on, I can't even imagine how you mothers do it. Kudos to you!

Hoping: I get one of the part-time jobs I applied for Monday.

Avoiding: Putting the laundry away... #dontjudgeme

Wishing: For an endless supply of design images. I want ALL. THE. THINGS.

Trying: to understand why people don't want to help themselves sometimes. It's hard watching the people in your life make bad decisions out of spite or guilt. You want to help them so badly, but they have to want your help for it to work.

Hating: That I haven't received a package I am expecting yet. It should have been here by now and the tracking info hasn't been updated since Jan 5th!!!

Missing: My Llama.

Praying: For an answer. God will give us what He thinks we need.

Thinking: That I need to give Bear a bath soon. He's getting stinky.

Considering: Changing the name I go by to Ammy. It's sorta like Annie, but with Ms. What do you guys think? Could I pull it off?

P.S. I'm answering some very important questions over on All the Joys today, so be sure to check that out too!

Linking up with

Love the Here and Now

January 20, 2015

Between the Lines: Dark Places by Gillian Flynn


This is the first month of Between the Lines: A Blogger Book Club with Anne and Kristyn. For January we read Dark Places, by Gillian Flynn and Anne was right, this book is a doozy. But it's so good! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.

Book Synapsis from Amazon
Libby Day was seven when her mother and two sisters were murdered in “The Satan Sacrifice of Kinnakee, Kansas.” She survived—and famously testified that her fifteen-year-old brother, Ben, was the killer. Twenty-five years later, the Kill Club—a secret society obsessed with notorious crimes—locates Libby and pumps her for details. They hope to discover proof that may free Ben. Libby hopes to turn a profit off her tragic history: She’ll reconnect with the players from that night and report her findings to the club—for a fee. As Libby’s search takes her from shabby Missouri strip clubs to abandoned Oklahoma tourist towns, the unimaginable truth emerges, and Libby finds herself right back where she started—on the run from a killer.
For the Book Club, we've got some thought provoking questions to answer from the author herself! So here it goes.

1. Libby became famous as a victim—how do you think this strange fame effected her?
I think it made her resent people and become even more of a reclusive. She learned at a young age to exploit her "fame" and the her mission in this book started out as just that.

2. What do you think of Patty Day as a mother? Is she doing the best she can, or is she making excuses for herself?
I want to like Patty Day, but in the end I just couldn't. I feel like she lets the people in her life run over her and make decisions for her. She lost control and couldn't figure out how to get it back. Granted she had some pretty ridiculous circumstances handed to her, but instead of being strong and doing whatever it takes to make a life for herself and her children, she makes excuses for their poverty and relies heavily on handouts from her sister Diane.

3. Why do you think the author chose to set the murders on a farm? What images and themes does the heartland and farming evoke?
I think Flynn chose the farm and the heartland location because it's unusual. Generally we hear about murders in metropolitan cities, but not tiny farm towns. You want to think their town is safe, slow moving, and simple. But in reality it's got just as many dangers as a city: guns, drugs, sex, gambling, extreme religious zealots, poverty, molestation, etc. The contrast between societal views of what a farm town is like and what occurs in this book is striking.

4. What do you believe in Diondra’s motivation throughout the story? Does her relationship with Ben change him?
Diondra is selfish. Plain and simple. She desperately wants to escape this small town, but I think she's also afraid to do so. I don't think she really likes herself much and craves attention and validation from others due to her absentee parents. Her rebellious behavior is a clear cry for help and affection from her parents, and she's begun to poison Ben against his own family. Misery loves company. Somehow she tricks this sweet, but seriously confused boy into thinking he's important to her, when really she's just using him. Deep down I think Ben knows this, but is just as desperate for love and attention as Diondra is, that he stays with her anyway convincing himself he's in love and doing the "right thing" for her.

I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to anyone who likes thrillers or whodunits. The characters are just as complex as the storyline, and even the smallest roles have a significance in the big picture. It's easy to read and follow, while keeping you guessing until the very last moments.

Have you read Dark Places? What did you think?

linking up with

Love the Here and Now

January 19, 2015

A Grateful Blogiversary Giveaway!

This is sort of a special day. Well I guess technically it was last Friday, but who's counting right? Anywho. Can you believe that Knock on Wood is 1 year old? I can't either. I'm so glad I decided to keep going this time, to actually put some work into it and grow this little space. I have made so many great friends through this hobby of mine and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Without those friends and, YOU, dear readers, Knock on Wood wouldn't be a thing, and I am forever grateful that you have helped me make it one. So in honor of this first Blogiversary, I've teamed up with some of my absolute favorite ladies to give back some of the love you have all given me.

HUGE thanks to Anne for helping me host this thing! Her blog, Love the Here and Now, just turned 1 on Dec 26th, so this for her too! So, make your Monday just a little bit brighter and enter yourself for a chance to win some sweet, sweet cash.

The Prize: $180 PayPal Cash!
plus a little surprise from me!

Middle: Knock on Wood

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Linking up with

Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

January 16, 2015

Blogger Love - January 16th

Happy Friday!! I can't tell you how wonderful it is that Friday is finally here and that our weekend is starting. My brain is already in overdrive and needs a little rest. The best thing about Fridays is that it's a day to throw the spotlight on other people and take a little breather... unless of course your blogger friends choose to throw their spotlight on you while you sitting back with a messy top knot, no makeup, and Cheeto Fingers. #Awkward

I guess I'll put the Cheetos down for today since I'm co-hosting #BloggerLove with Meagan at All the Joys this week. Super excited and honored that she's actually letting me do this, cause you know, Cheeto Fingers. So without further adieux, my favorite posts of this week.

Passing Judgement  -  Simply Complex Mom
I just really love Liz. I mean she is such a great writer and has a way of putting thoughts into words that just move me.

Quick Everyday Makeup  -  Six One Six
Nailed it.

An Open Letter to Pixie the Cat  -  Pink Nightmare
Best open letter I've ever read. Seriously.

Adventure Rocks  -  Ember Grey
Emily always has such great ideas. I mean, she is already beautiful, but smart AND creative?! How can I compete? Plus, her word of the year is pretty sweet.

How to Connect with Your Readers  -  Hey Kerri Blog
THIS. POST. Just do it. You won't regret it one bit!

All of my Friends are Having Babies  -  The Daily Tay
My thoughts exactly.

What are your favorite posts from this week? List them (cause we all love a good list) and link up with Meagan and I to spread the Blogger Love!

All the Joys - Blogger Love

January 15, 2015

Conversations with...


A text conversation with my MO BFF Kaity over our Winter Break.

Me: I'm so ready for school to start

Kaity: Lol Yeah me too!! Just not today...I feel like I'm dying!

Me: Aww! Sick?
Oh! Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to youuuuu!
Happy Birthday k-k-k-Kaityyyyy!
Happy birthday toooooo youuuuuuu!
Pretend I'm singing that. 
*NOTE: her Birthday was Jan 5th*

Kaity: Yeah I have the flu... got it from work this past weekend.
LOL I love it! Thank you so much!

Me: Aww but you wore the sexy face mask!

Kaity: Bwahahaha! Yeah but I didn't on Thursday or Friday because I didn't know that some of them had the flu already and I got it anyway.. blahhh

Me: Yuck! Well. Lots of fluids and NyQuil and Oj and stuff.

Kaity: I can't keep anything down and unfortunately it's coming from both ends. Sorry if that takes it too far.

Me: Not phased. But that so sucks. Still though, stay hydrated. Get some smart water. It's got electrolytes in it. 

Kaity: That sounds good. I haven't had the smarty water before. Mom says it won't ever help me because I'm a blonde LOL.
*NOTE: She's not blonde anymore, so this makes her a Pineapple Head. Blonde on the inside and brown on the outside*

Me: Bahahaha!

This is why she and I are friends. #noshame

Plus Tuesday, our Psychology professor thought we were sisters. #sistersatheart

Do you have a great conversation you want to share? Link up with me and my lovely co-host Kathy and tell us all about it!

Knock on Wood

January 12, 2015

A Grateful Heart Full of Praise

Happy Monday! Classes start tomorrow and I am so ready. I definitely will have to stop for coffee though as my first class is at 8:30 A.M. and that's when I've been getting up lately. #dontjudgeme

A few things happened over the weekend. First, I finished and installed Kathy's new blog design! I love it! It is fresh an has a slightly latin feel to it, which is so fitting since her family is from Argentina. I'm so glad she is so pleased with it too! She was a doll to work with and I'm so grateful to have her as a friend.

Second, we tried out a new church on Sunday. I seriously think God wanted me to be there for that sermon too, because boy did I need to hear it. The Pastor talked about making room for God in your life every single day and learning to trust him with things outside of your control. One of the things the Pastor asked us to think about was "What do you think is on God's mind today?" We all have so much to think about ourselves, but I can't even imagine the number of things on God's mind!

While I know I have a lot on my mind, it does not compare to God's mind, and I am grateful that I do not have to bear that burden each day. Thank you, Lord, for taking all of our worries as your own.

Third, we finalized our vacation dates for our trips to Georgia this year! I am so, so, so, so, so, grateful that we are able to take two trips this year and I am ready for the first one to come. I miss my mom and my Llama so very much.

What are you grateful for today?

linking up with

Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

January 9, 2015

Blogger Love

I look forward to the Blogger Love link-up with Meagan from All the Joys every week, because sharing my favorite posts is such a great way to express my gratitude for those bloggers. This goes beyond a simple comment on the post itself, and takes my admiration to a whole other level. This link-up is also a wonderful way to find new blogs to add to my blog roll, which leads to new bloggy friends.

So lets get to it shall we? My favorite posts from this week:

Simply Complex Mom - Prayerful Beauty
Oh you guys. This post is so honest and raw. I loved it.

All the Joys - 2015: The Year of ME
Meagan is making a point to take time to work on herself this year and she deserves it!

Him & Me - Awesome Things!
I'm so glad Kathy linked up this month and even better than she did her list about her new puppy, Lance! Who doesn't love a good post about doggies? I know I do!

Hey Kerri Blog - My Life in Numbers
Let me just start off my saying how much I adore Kerri, and then for her to do this awesome post. It's such a great idea and I might just have to steal it.

All the Giveaways this week! Two of them end this weekend so be sure to enter before they close!
Cassie - Sage
Kelly - Six One Six
Faith - Life with Mrs. G and The Artist

What are your favorite posts this week? Did any of mine make your list too?

Linking up with

All The Joys Friday Favorites

January 8, 2015

Golden Vlog: New Year 2015 Edition

Once again it's time to present my face in video form for everyone to ogle. #IKnowI'mPretty
Thank's Faith for giving me the opportunity to do so.

Here it is folks! The January Edition of The Golden Vlog! *Spoiler Alert* Bear AND Pumpkin try to steal my thunder. I think they are way cuter and definitely more fun to watch than me. And they know it, so they try to make sure they are seen every time I try to grab my own 15 mins of fame.

If you are having trouble viewing the video click here.

Here are those Giveaways I was talking about! 
>>> Giveaway 1 <<< --- >>> Giveaway 2 <<<

Did you participate this month? Have you entered both giveaways??

Linking up with

January 7, 2015

Wednesday Wishes + a Giveaway!

If you have been around these parts you know that Melissa from The Rambling Llama is my real life BFF of almost 9 years now. She's truly a wonderful person, but sometimes bad things happen to good people. AND THAT SUCKS HAIRY, SWEATY MONKEY BALLS! Whew. I feel better now.

Anywho. She's going though a tough personal situation right now and she needs our support and prayers. So tweet her, email her, leave her a sweet comment to let her know we got her back and that we are thinking of her while she's away. So my wish for today's episode of Wednesday Wishes goes to Melissa. Wishing her the best outcome of this nasty situation and that her sweet family isn't affected too much by the recent events.

I feel so special this week. I was asked by TWO bloggy friends to help them celebrate wonderful things. Cassie's Husband's AMAZING photography earlier this week and now Faith's Blogiversary. Seriously loving my #tribe right now. #WinningJanuary

Life with Mrs. G and The Artist is FIVE!! And Faith, along with some amazing women, are giving away some pretty sweet prizes (one of them is from me #ShamelessSelfPromotion)

What are the prizes you ask?

$60 paypal cash
Lara Casey's new book "Make it Happen"
A print from "Front Row Prints"
A Deluxe Blog design from "Amanda Wood Designs"
& Ad space on "Wife mommy Me"

linking up with

Love the Here and Now