July 20, 2015

Count Your Blessings

Yesterday afternoon I got some sad news from a dear friend. My heart aches for her situation and I wish there was something more than I could do to help her through this rough patch. I have no fear that she will come out better and stronger on the other side, she's a remarkable person. The unfortunate news touched me deeply. I took a few moments to reflect on my life, my marriage, my future, and I was suddenly caught off guard by a wave of emotions.

I have so much to be grateful for, and some days I fail to recognize this. Recent events have brought me back down to earth and reminded me that I am so blessed in my life. God has given me so much more than I could have ever asked for and I don't thank him enough. I don't thank my husband enough for being the man that he is, and how wonderful he's been, especially lately. I don't thank my mother enough for giving me the best childhood she could, and for teaching me how to be a strong woman.

I am striving each day to be more grateful for these little things. I may do the 100HappyDays challenge again. Its a great way to keep myself accountable and will remind me to focus on the good things of each day rather than the bad.

When the water starts getting murky, I have to trust that it will clear back up again. I have to trust that God's plan for me, for my life, is greater than mine. Everything will be ok.

linking up with
Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

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