July 28, 2014

A Grateful List

Grateful Heart Monday
Linking up with Ember Grey for #GratefulHeart Monday

Since it's Monday and none of us really want to think too hard on a Monday, also because lists are awesome, I'm going to do this post in list form.

Things I'm grateful for:

1. I am pretty sure I have successfully passed both classes I took during the summer session. Definitely an A in Western Civ I and I'm pretty sure I got a high B or a low A in Psychology 101. I haven't gotten my final grades yet, but from the grade I've already received on my assignments and my feelings on my performance on the finals those are my estimated grades.

2. I have three weeks off until the early fall session begins. Hopefully I'll get my new Psychology book soon so I can get a head start on my reading for my next class.

3. My school has a textbook buy back program. They don't give me what I paid for it, but they do give me a portion of it back when I return my books.

4. The county fair is OVER. No more noise. No more traffic. No more lights (the fairgrounds are behind our house and we have an access road on one side of our property).

5. My cousin found out she is having a baby boy!! So I have started making a couple of baby blankets to give to her when we are in Georgia in September.

What are you grateful for?


  1. I love that you did this as a list!! There is always so much to be grateful for and making a list shows that!!

  2. :) I did mine in list form today too- so much to be grateful for (which is an awesome situation to be in). Sounds like you are kickin' ass and takin' names over there, lady! Dang! I hope you're able to enjoy the time off these next few weeks!

  3. Haha I did mine in list format too! Well done on the summer courses!!!
    I have to say too, that I *wish* I had done the textbook 'buy back' thing at my school. I stupidly thought they'd come in handy or I'd look at them again later and they turned out to just be $200 paperweights that I ended up donating to charity shops and are probably so obsolete that they recycled them anyway...! Definitely sell them when you're done! =)

  4. hooray for no more noisy fair and hooray for a break in school! WOOT!

  5. Ohhh County fair! I love the fair! Yours is behind your house, ours is about an hour to two hours away and doesn't start until a month from now. Any pictures of it from your house?

  6. Yay! to passing courses!! don't forget to find some time to relax doing your break before fall courses start. :) Congrats to your cousin. Making baby blankets are fun, I made one for a couple of my nieces and nephews.

  7. Enjoy your time off! I'm impressed that you want to get a head start on your reading - shows serious dedication lady!


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