November 14, 2014

The Cup Song + Some Blogger Love

After several requests, I have made a video of my version of the cup song that I performed for my speech class on Monday. I got all smiles, applause, and so so many compliments afterwards. I am very proud of myself for actually doing it. I am conquering my fear of public speaking (and singing!) in so many ways by going back to school. If you choose to learn this too, please please make a video!

So without further adieux, my cover of The Cup Song.

As promised - The links to learn it yourself!

How to do the cup rhythm (you can either tap the top of the cup or the table) ---> HERE

Lyrics ---> HERE

Because this post can not be all about me (blush) and my song, I'm also going to share with you some of my favorite posts I've read recently.

The Importance of Being Naked - Awash with Wonder
I loved this post so much. Shannon has such a way with words and somehow manages to address topics like this with such realness and honesty that you can't possibly not like her.

Link Your Ink - Sage the Blog
I cannot tell you how excited I am about this link up! I love seeing people's tattoos and hearing the stories behind them! Do you plan to link up?

50 Facts About Me - Six One Six
Kelly is so freaking adorable (and so is DiNero!). I love her videos and I loved learning more about her.

A Grateful Llama List - The Rambling Llama
Not only did Melissa use a list topic from my #ListYourself Challenge, but she included me in her list!! How sweet is that?

Outgrowing Favorite Bloggers - The "Florkens"
Sometimes you just have to accept that as you grow as a blogger, some bloggers aren't growing with you and your tastes begin to change. While you still like bloggers as a person, their blogs just don't have the same pull they used to. Kate expresses this situation so well.

What blogs did you love this week?
Are you going to learn The Cup Song yourself?

Linking up with

All The Joys Friday Favorites

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