November 3, 2014

Behind the Scenes of Knock on Wood

Last week I was nominated by Meagan from All The Joys to participate in the Tour Through Blogland (you can read her post here). I've done something like this before, but things have changed since then, so lets get to it!

1. What am I working on?
I always have several post ideas going in draft, not all make it onto the blog, but I like to have options to possible go back to and build on. I try to prepare and schedule my posts out in advance,  but we all know that's no always possible. I mean, life happens ya know? Right now I am working on a few posts from the List Yourself challenge I announced last week. I'm also getting ready for the next Conversations Link-up and collecting ideas for some Holiday themed posts.

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I suppose my blog would fit into the "Lifestyle" genre, but it more of a catchall file for those of us who like to write about anything and everything in our lives and then some. What's awesome is that every blogger is so different from one another that it's difficult to compare. I honestly don't think I stand out much from the other bloggers, but I do try to provide entertaining and engaging content for the few who do read my blog.

3. Why do I write what I do?
Mostly, I write for myself. I write what I know and what I feel. I have always be able to express myself more clearly when I write it down versus speaking off the top of my head. So, I write to let go, to convey my crazy ideas, to share a delicious recipe, or to tell a funny story with hopes that my readers are laughing with me, not at me.

4. How does your writing process work?
It starts with an idea for a topic that usually comes to me when I'm not exactly in a place to write things down, like when I'm driving or trying to fall asleep. Sometimes I steal ideas from other blogger (with their permission of course) and sometimes I find inspiration in books, movies, or in the conversations I have with people. I start by just getting everything out, words on the page. Then I polish it up, make it funny, fix errors and, most importantly, make sure it makes at least a little bit of sense. The fun part comes next. Pictures. I love taking, editing, and posting pictures. Finding the perfect image to compliment a post brings me so much joy. But it's not truly "live" until it's on twitter. Social media has been a huge part of growing this space and I'm grateful to have it as a tool.

Also today on the Tour (because all the people I wanted to participate are already doing so!):

The Rambling Llama
Melissa from The Rambling Llama
She blogs about the comedies of her daily life: the struggles in raising two kids (and a husband), finding the time and energy to workout, and delicious healthy recipes! She shows that her life is not always happy go lucky, fun, and sunshine because let’s face it- no one's life isn’t always like that. Melissa is also a super good friend of mine from way back in the day before blogs, smartphones, and twitter were part of our daily lives. So go check her out!!

Anne from Love The Here and Now
How can you not love Anne? She's like the sister you always wanted and one of my favorite bloggers to sponsor. I'm so glad to have "met" Anne here in Blogland and you should go and meet her too!

... and From Last Week on the Tour

Adventures of Bug and Boo
Rebecca from The Adventures of Bug and Boo
I've recently started following Rebecca and her sweet little girl. They truly are an amazing inspiration; moving across the atlantic! I don't know how she did it with a toddler, I don't think I could do it with just me and Hubs. OH! And have you seen her new design?! I Love it! Go see for yourself!

What goes on behind the scenes of your blog?

Also linking up with

Grateful Heart Monday linkup

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