December 5, 2014

Spreading Some Blogger Love

This link-up with Megan is a great way to find new blogs to read. I have found quite a few visiting other's lists of great posts from the week. And a few of those bloggers made my list this week! So lets here it for them!

Hey Kerri Blog - Technology
I was thankful for texting this week, and Kerri took it one step farther and is grateful for technology as a whole. It's a wonderful thing, but you gotta know your limits.

The Rambling Llama - Drinking, Pie Eating, and Hair Cutting
Legit. Melissa's family could be my own (and vice versa). This girl is like part of my family and I am in hers, so it's natural for me to miss her mom almost as much as I miss mine! Plus there was PIE and WINE.

Hello Rigby {Guest Post on Becoming Adorrable} - 10 Ways My Dog Embarrasses Me
YES. We've only had Bear for a short while, but I can already relate. I'm thinking at Cat themed post like this should come next.

Chits and Giggles - Book Review: The Giver
I read this book back in middle school, and I remember liking it a lot. Since the movie came out not too long ago, I've been itching to read it again. And today Kristyn revealed that this books is actually part of a series, count me in!

I'm going to add everyone who linked up with me (Emily, Jenn, and Melissa) for #MyConversations on Sunday. I love reading these little bits of your lives and seeing your personalities shine through in the conversations you have with others. Please keep linking-up!! #ImNosey  Visit my post (here) and click all the links! ALL. OF. THEM!

Speaking of Kerri, she's been hanging out on my sidebar this month, and I just wanted to take a moment to tell you a bit more about her. So take it away Kerri!

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Hey everyone! I'm Kerri and I blog over at Hey Kerri Blog. What is HKB you ask? Just a typical lifestyle blog ran by a 23 year old residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia. During the day you can find me working behind a computer in finance and trying to convince my manager leggings fall under business casual. On the weekends you can find me dragging my friends on some kind of adventure or binge watching a television show on Netflix while eating Chinese.
On the blog you will find my ramblings on a wide variety of topics including; beauty, travel, food, gadgets and so much more. Who knows, maybe one day I'll try my hand at what some people refer to as "cooking".

What blogs did you love this week??

Linking up with

All The Joys Friday Favorites

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