December 8, 2014

{Grateful Heart} List 25

Today I am grateful for my life, but more so for the things that make me want to wake up each day and be a better person than I was the day before. This list prompt from my List Yourself Challenge was perfect for today's Grateful Heart post.

25. List the real reasons you are inspired to stay alive.

My husband. He's a huge part of why I keep going every day. I have no idea how I made it before meeting him, and I have no desire to find out what life would be like without him now. (Lord knows what he'd do without me!)

My Family. I love them so much and knowing that they will always be there for me is such a great comfort. Plus, they have to love me. Haha!

My furkids. They are like real kids for me and Hubs. They are as much apart of our family as a tiny human would be. 

Pumpkin // Bear // Misty

My Friends. They are the family you get to choose for yourself. 

Chocolate. Hi, My name is Amanda and I'm a Chocoholic.

Music. It makes you feel. It makes you dance. It makes you grow.

Writing. It's such a wonderful expression. I always feel lighter when I complete a post, finish a paper, or sign a Thank You note. 

What makes you get out of bed each morning? What are you grateful for each day?

Linking up with

Ember Grey: Grateful Heart

Knock on Wood - List Yourself

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