March 29, 2016

Blogger Men Tell All - March

Conversations with Philip are one of the most viewed topics here. And this one will not disappoint. I sat down with him earlier this month for another round of Blogger Men Tell All,with Becca Dorr, and this is what transpired.

Popcorn lover’s day is March 10! What’s your favorite popcorn flavor?
Hubs: Cheese.
Me: What kind of cheese?
Hubs: What do you mean what kind of cheese? Like cheddar cheese! You know the big cans of the caramel, the butter, and the cheese popcorn. Those ones. mmmmmm
Me: There's white cheddar popcorn too, though.
Hubs: Meh, it's alright.

What is the farthest you’ve traveled?
Hubs: Like how many miles? or... what do you mean by how far you've traveled?
Me: Like the farthest away.
Hubs: Probably on or cruise when we went to Mexico and the Caribbean. Or even the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.
Me: I'm pretty sure Mexico is farthest away.

Have you ever dyed your hair? If not, what color would you dye it?
Hubs: Yes, I died it blond. It turned into piss blond and it looked disgusting on me.
Me: *laughing* So were one of those guys in middle school?
Hubs: Ugh. yes.

How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions?
Hubs: I don't remember making any. So probably not good.
Me: *laughing* We didn't make any.
Hubs: I didn't think so.

That's my husband ladies (and gentlemen).

Did you participate this round?
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