March 15, 2014

I Made This!

It's finally finished!

You can see my original post about the start of this project here

I had a little help though.

I am quite proud of myself for taking on this project of this size and even more so for actually following through to completion.

I guess I have no excuse to finish painting the kitchen and bathroom now...

P.S. I have a signature now!


  1. Like I told you before - it looks great!!! I wish it were cold enough in LA to need a blanket! Enjoy it!

    1. Thanks! Throw blankets are always good to just have and display as part of a room decor.

  2. WHOA!! Amazing!! Great job :) I wish I could crochet/knit!! I have been meaning to sign up for a class. I'm too busy cross stitching to think about another craft, however.

    1. Thanks so much! My great-grandmother taught me to crochet when I was little. But I learned new and more complex stitches on YouTube! I also used YouTube to learn to knit. And Pinterest is a wonderful place for inspiration, patterns, and ideas!


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