March 25, 2014

Tough It Out Tuesday: A Fresh Start

I'm trading my TMI Tuesday posts for Tough It Out Tuesday Posts. 

Sorry TMI Tuesday Blog! I love you, but I think TIOT will be a better fit for my blog and lifestyle at the moment. Plus, Allie and Kay are huge inspirations for me lately.


The other day I had a serious talk with myself and kicked my own butt because I know I've let the healthy habits I acquired from being Vegetarian for the six months prior to moving to Missouri get buried under snow and snirt this winter. I re-downloaded the LoseIt app and found a great running jogging wogging (not walking, but not quite jogging). It's called Couch to 5K and so far, I love it. 

At the grocery store last Monday we got more fresh foods than usual and I am paying a closer attention to my portion sizes and carb/sugar intake. I spent all afternoon last Tuesday washing, cutting, and portioning out the fruits and veggies into baggies. Philip likes this cause he can grab a baggie of fruit for breakfast or lunch along with his sandwich or leftovers. And I don't have to measure everything out each time I want to eat something. Keeping a list of what I am eating throughout the day on LoseIt is really eyeopening and keeping me from snaking out of boredom cause I don't want to have to add it and see those numbers rise! 

I am going to do C25K Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays then strength training on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Sundays are for resting. I am not comfortable posting my weight publicly yet, but I did take some before pictures and measurements for a possible before and after post when I reach my goal. 

Wow. It feels really good to share my journey with someone other than Philip and my mom.


  1. So happy to hear you motivatibg yourself! Others can help, but unless you want to get it done it won't help!

    1. Thank you! You know you are a huge help in my motivation right??

  2. Good for you! Couch to 5K is something I've always wanted to do, but motivation is definitely tough. PS I love the term "wogging." I'm totally gonna start using that.

    I've been going to a gym recently, but with my work schedule it's tough to get out there more than once or twice a week.

    1. C25K is surprisingly easy. And wogging will be a thing, because I say so!

      I am not a gym person, so I have found several ways to work out at home in my living room. I still feel the burn and Philip does them with me, which is more helpful than he knows.

  3. I absolutely love love LOVE the loseit app! it is incredible and also what I've been using. I've heard the c25k is a great programs. I've seen it on pinterest a million times and have thought about doing it. I can't wait to hear more about your progress! keep it up girlie!

    xoxo, Amanda

    1. Thank you!
      I have found the "scan barcode" feature most helpful!


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