March 24, 2014

100 Happy Days

Sometimes we are going so fast we forget to appreciate the good things in our lives. We just breeze past the little things while we try to get ahead at work, get dinner on the table, and laundry put away. I know I often time forget to stop and smell the proverbial roses and, instead focus on all the things that aren't going my way. After reading about a nifty, potential life changing project from Amanda at A Pinwheeled Wilderness. I decided to check it out for myself.

The 100 Happy Days project is a great way to slow down for a moment and document the things that bring us joy each day (For more detailed information click here). This can range from a good cup of coffee, a piece of cake, or meeting a fitness goal, to new shoes, a lunch date, or a beautiful sunset. Just take a picture of said thing and either post it on a chosen form of social media with the hashtag #100happydays, or email it to: myhappyday (at) 100happydays (dot) com. I chose to post my pictures on Instagram, so be sure to follow along!

I hope to see #100HappyDays all over social media in the coming weeks and months. You can even get a little book of all your photos at the end!! So join in! Take notice of your happiness.


  1. That sounds hard on the surface. .... but I think I need to try it! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Don't forget to sign up on the 100HappyDays website!

  2. I never made it... life was too busy. I hope I can actually do it at some point.


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