July 21, 2014

Summer Session Finals Week - Wish Me Luck

I just wanted to pop an and say that my finals for this summer session are Wednesday morning, so if you don't see me on social media, commenting on blogs, and responding to emails it's not because I died or stop loving you. It's because I am balls deep in my textbooks, notes, and flash cards trying to engrain a huge amount of information in my brain.

So I leave you with a few images that convey my feelings and activities over the next few days.






  1. awwww, lady!!! (( HUG )) I am dying laughing over the gif.. hahah!!!! (I feel like that some days and I'm not even a student. Heck, I feel like that by NOON some days!) Sending you lots of love and energy!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

  2. oh- and I laughed out loud over your "balls deep" comment... X asked what I was laughing about and I said, "Um, nothing. It's nothing." hahaha

  3. Just catching up on all my blogs after a crazy week of prepping for embassy fun. I hope you aced your finals and weren't nervous at all!!!


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