January 12, 2015

A Grateful Heart Full of Praise

Happy Monday! Classes start tomorrow and I am so ready. I definitely will have to stop for coffee though as my first class is at 8:30 A.M. and that's when I've been getting up lately. #dontjudgeme

A few things happened over the weekend. First, I finished and installed Kathy's new blog design! I love it! It is fresh an has a slightly latin feel to it, which is so fitting since her family is from Argentina. I'm so glad she is so pleased with it too! She was a doll to work with and I'm so grateful to have her as a friend.

Second, we tried out a new church on Sunday. I seriously think God wanted me to be there for that sermon too, because boy did I need to hear it. The Pastor talked about making room for God in your life every single day and learning to trust him with things outside of your control. One of the things the Pastor asked us to think about was "What do you think is on God's mind today?" We all have so much to think about ourselves, but I can't even imagine the number of things on God's mind!

While I know I have a lot on my mind, it does not compare to God's mind, and I am grateful that I do not have to bear that burden each day. Thank you, Lord, for taking all of our worries as your own.

Third, we finalized our vacation dates for our trips to Georgia this year! I am so, so, so, so, so, grateful that we are able to take two trips this year and I am ready for the first one to come. I miss my mom and my Llama so very much.

What are you grateful for today?

linking up with

Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

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