January 21, 2015


Loving: Lora's new design I installed last night! Go check it out! >>> Heart of Life <<<

Reading: The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion for February's Between The Lines Blogger Book Club. It's so good.

Feeling: Productive. I've got three more designs on my list, I had a wonderful and enlightening conversation with Hubs this morning, and school is going really well so far.

Watching: Galavant. This show is so freaking funny you guys.

Writing: Besides this post, I'm taking notes from my textbooks.

Listening: Honey I'm Good by Any Grammer. This song is so catchy and upbeat, plus the message is a good one too. The video is Amazing and I tear up almost every time, especially at the end.

Wanting: a new Macbook. Mine is about 7 years old now and it's time. The hardware just can't keep up with the software anymore.

Needing: More hours in the day. I've got so much going on, I can't even imagine how you mothers do it. Kudos to you!

Hoping: I get one of the part-time jobs I applied for Monday.

Avoiding: Putting the laundry away... #dontjudgeme

Wishing: For an endless supply of design images. I want ALL. THE. THINGS.

Trying: to understand why people don't want to help themselves sometimes. It's hard watching the people in your life make bad decisions out of spite or guilt. You want to help them so badly, but they have to want your help for it to work.

Hating: That I haven't received a package I am expecting yet. It should have been here by now and the tracking info hasn't been updated since Jan 5th!!!

Missing: My Llama.

Praying: For an answer. God will give us what He thinks we need.

Thinking: That I need to give Bear a bath soon. He's getting stinky.

Considering: Changing the name I go by to Ammy. It's sorta like Annie, but with Ms. What do you guys think? Could I pull it off?

P.S. I'm answering some very important questions over on All the Joys today, so be sure to check that out too!

Linking up with

Love the Here and Now

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