January 26, 2015

Grateful Spaces

The moment you've all been waiting for! The Big Reveal of our new Shed and the progress on the Guest Bedroom!

After a few weeks of building, organizing, cleaning, and more organizing I have finally gotten things presentable. I still have to re-paint and finish decorating the Guest Room, but at least now its a usable space again. And that is all thank to Hubs and his dad building me a shed in our back yard to house our storage items, yard equipment, and other various items that would normally be found in a garage or shed.  I have to say it turned out to be bigger than Hubs and I were expecting and that is AWESOME! We even have a cute little counter and cabinet to go in there (they haven't been installed yet) and father-in-law says he can run electrical out there so we can have a light and plug things in.

I said I needed to paint it. The pink is brighter and more eye piercing in person, but I have enough paint leftover from doing the kitchen to remedy the situation. I'm excited to have a place for someone to stay with us! I can invite my sister for the summer and have my Mom come visit. The room is small, but it functions the way I need it to.

There was enough space at the foot of the bed for me to put a desk. So, now I have a cute little office space to blog and study in a quiet area. And Hubs can play his video games without distracting me, and without me giving him dirty looks for being loud.

I am so grateful to have these spaces. It gives me peace of mind to know our storage shed is locked up and the babes can't get into the car maintenance supplies or get trapped in all the boxes and totes, and that our floor won't fall though with all the weight (this happened to a friend of Hubs' recently). I'm grateful to have a space where I can focus better on school work and blog writing. Mostly I'm grateful that Hubs made all of this happen for us.

What are you grateful for today?

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Linking up with

Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

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