March 3, 2015

Everything is Awesome!


It's the first Tuesday of the month. Do you know what the significance of that is? No? Well i'm going to tell you. On the first Tuesday of every month Anne, from Love the Here and Now, hosts the Awesome Link-up. To participate you make your own list of at least 10 Things that you deem Awesome. Usually I have a theme for this link-up but there are so many great things going on in my life that you're just going to get a hodgepodge of a list, ok? ok.

1. Magnus

Yep. I've officially decided on the name for my new MacBook Pro. Now that Mable is reitred, Magnus will be taking over for her and I can't wait to do a full blog design on this baby! But he has an honorary nick name given to him by Christine, from The So-Called Homemaker, Wine Ninja. So Magnus "Wine Ninja" Wood.

2. "Spring Break"

Finals are Thursday, so that means our "Spring Break" is coming up! Two weeks of no school. I am looking forward to it, but I know I'll be missing school again after the first week is over! haha!

3. New Fridge

You guys. We are getting a new and bigger fridge. Our little one now was just a tide us over cause our old one broke fridge, but we ended up keeping it for eighteen months! Too long with inadequate space! Our new one is french doors, has tons of space, has ice and water in the door too! I am unbelievably excited about this!

4. My new Top Coat

This top coat for my nails is changing my life! Seriously, I've never had one work this well! If you do your own nails, the Sally Henson, Double Duty Top Coat is so worth the $4 at the drugstore.

5. How Much Bear Loves The Snow

It may be crappy weather, but seeing how much fun he has playing in it, makes me love when it snows. Plus it's really pretty and makes for good winter stock images.

6. The Cosmopolitan Magazine Subscription Hubs is Mysteriously Receiving

This Magazine literally just started showing up in our mail box a couple of months ago. At first I thought, "Yay! Now I don't have to buy them from the store anymore!" Then I saw the name for the address of the subscriber.... Hubs. Strange. I asked him about it and he has no idea where it's coming from. Nothing is getting charged to our account, so hey! free magazine subscription!

7. Bloggy Friends

I have made so many great connections through blogging, and have graduated from online stalker friends to text/snapchat/trivia crack buddies! I'm so glad to have met each and every one of you, you truly bring joy into my life.

8. My House

All of a sudden I just really feel like my house is coming together. The decor, the furniture arrangements, paint colors (except that awful pink in the guest room), etc. I feel like a real adult living in a real adult house. Still no where near the awesome adulting status of my mom and grandmother, but I'm working on it!

9. New Opportunities

I mentioned in yesterday's post that there are some new things going on in my life. One of them is a new job! What's great about this position is that I will still have plenty of time to study and blog. And seniors have the best stories to tell, so I'm sure the Conversation Link-up will benefit from that! I've got a few more things in the works, so keeps your eyes open. I'm so excited! Things are starting to really pick up for me, and that's a wonderful thing.

10. Hubs

Last, but most certainly not least, my Hubs is pretty darn awesome. He's been so supportive throughout this entire adventure here in Missouri and gets more involved in my "silly" hobbies every day. He works very hard to keep us comfortable and so I can go to school. I just really, really appreciate him, and I probably don't tell him that enough.

What are some Awesome things going on in your life lately?

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Love the Here and Now

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