March 13, 2015

Silver Linings

Looking for the Silver Lining

It's Friday and I'm trying to be in a good mood, but it's really hard for me to do that right now. I'm going to be honest with you guys, this week has really sucked, and I'm very glad that it's over.

While we got great news about Bear and got him back home from his grand adventure on Monday, he's not been doing well the rest of this week. He stopped eating or drinking, and was very lethargic. So NOT like him. He's got his next vet appointment (to check on his ears) next Wednesday, but I ended up calling them to see if there was anything I could do for him in the meantime. She said that his tummy may be upset from switching foods so quickly: home, shelter, then home again in a matter of 4 days. Pepto, plain chicken, and rice was prescribed.

He's not a fan of the Pepto, but that was expected. I did manage to get him to eat some chicken and rice around lunch time Thursday, and another portion of rice before bed. He's perked up a little, but he's still not quite himself. I'm going to continue the medicine and plain foods regimen today, with hopes he feels even better when I get home from work this evening.

If you follow me on Twitter and Insta, you'll know I was in my CMA classes Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I had to drive an hour one way to get there and Monday, my alarms never went off. I was about 10 mins late for my first class. Doesn't it always seem like you get behind the slowest drivers when you're late? I think I found every single one in Missouri Monday.

Tuesday I was on time, but it was sprinkling and foggy. That means people forget how to drive at all. Of course there was a huge accident on the way to class that required a detour on this muddy dirt road. I nearly ran myself off the road a couple time it was so slippery. UGH. Our first test was after lunch, I passed, but I did not do as well as I wanted to. On the way home I got the call I've been waiting for about that blood work I mentioned last Friday. It was good news and bad news, and kind of a long story so I'll save it for another day. I'm not dying though! So don't worry.

Wednesday. On time. No accidents. It started off pretty well despite my thoughts being on the news about my blood work. I did well on the insulin testing and even met a delightful man at the nursing home where we practiced administering insulin. This was the day I came home to find out Bear hadn't eaten or drank anything all day. My heart was hurting so badly for him. I could barely sleep.

Thursday afternoon I get a call from my school saying that one of my classes has to be moved to another day and time with another professor. This not only messed with my school schedule, but my work and home life as well. I spend the next few hours trying to figure out what to do, while keeping an eye on Bear. I ended up changing my schedule entirely, but it worked out ok I guess.

That brings us up to today. Exhausted. Physically, Emotionally, Mentally.

Ok... the point of this post of crappyness is for me to release all the bad, then focus on all the great things that happened this week too.

1. Bear was found and returned home.

2. I passed my CMA course and am now certified to pass medications and administer insulin.

3. I still get to take both of my classes with Kaity next session.

4. Hubs was so supportive and made dinner for us Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

5. I got my blood work results, and now have a better idea of what's going on with my body.

6. I got some beautiful pictures of the little town my CMA class was held in.

7. My new boss is totally awesome and is super flexible with my schedule.

8. I found one of the books I need for my new classes for waaaaay cheaper on Amazon.

9. The new collar we bought for Bear is working much better.

10. I have all of you wonderful friends supporting me, praying for me, and being there when I need to talk/vent.

Sedalia Missouri

Ohio Street in Sedalia, MO

How was your week? I hope it was better than mine :)

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