April 17, 2015


Loving: All of the spring flowers and my new haircut.

Reading: Articles for my term papers. I've got two of them and they are ten pages each. Ugh!

Feeling: Rested. I had a couple of lovely days off, but now it's back to work.

Watching: Game of Thrones. So freaking excited about this new season. Anyone else watch it?

Writing: Besides this post, notes from the articles for my term papers. At least it's the same topic just for different ages.

Listening: To Bear barking at Lord knows what outside, the fan blowing, Hubs snoring, and the clock ticking.

Wanting: To be able to take a cruise at Christmas time. Our first real vacation together.

Needing: an iPhone 6. But Hubs won't let me get one.

Hoping: Magnus get fixed and sent back to me soon. I was so frustrated Monday when I couldn't get it to boot back up. If you follow me on Twitter, you probably saw that I had to ship it back for repairs since we don't have an Apple Store anywhere near us.

Avoiding: Putting the laundry away... #dontjudgeme

Wishing: That I had more hours in the day. There always seems to be more to do that I have time or energy for, and I don't even have a kid. Hat's off to all you Mom's out there.

Trying: To not overwork myself and take on more than I can handle. Our life is delicate balance and I don't want to tip the scales.

Hating: the heat already. Ugh.

Missing: My Llama, as always.

Praying: For the answers and directions we need on several things at the moment. Adulting is hard you guys.

Thinking: About what book I want to read from my list next.

Considering: taking summer classes, but a break sounds good too. 

What's going on in your life currently?

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