April 18, 2014

DIY Workout Tanktop

You've probably seen these on Pinterest, but have you actually tried to make one yourself? No? Why not?! They are super easy and take only minutes to complete. But seriously, if I can do it and not screw it up (or hurt myself in the process), so can you! Plus, my adorable Snicklefritz (aka Kay) from The Best of Intentions said she wanted a DIY post, so I figured why not! If you haven't checked out her EPIC LIST OF BLOG IDEAS you should, it's got some great stuff.

What you need:

An old T-shirt - preferably cute and slightly loose fitting.
Pen or Marker
A workout/regular tank you bought and like the style and fit
A furry assistant

Here's what you do:

Turn the T-shirt inside out so the pen marks are on the inside. I turned my tank inside out as well incase my pen decided to take a detour. Then slide the T-shirt in the tank top (pictured below) and trace the neck and arm holes on the front and back of the shirt.

Separate the T-shirt and Tank. Ok here's where the furry assistant comes in to play. Let her/him inspect the tracings and hold them down for a few mins, you never know when a huge gust of wind will blow through your bedroom! Don't worry, once she's moved out of the way, you can cut along those lines you traced and turn the T-shirt right side out again.

I hope you enjoyed that project and I'd love see your lovely new Workout Tank Top!


  1. Yep, doing this! I have way too many T-shirts and not enough tank tops. Thanks!

  2. Well now see I just got rid of a ton of older t shirts.. of course before I see this post. I am a tank top girl in summer.. dagnabbit

    1. Aww! I hate when that happens to me!

  3. I will be doing this ASAP. Also, your cat looks identical to my cat. Both of whom OBVIOUSLY can't tell when we are working on something super important. Like, kitty, please go lay down somewhere so I can work. If I needed your help I'd ask! (yes I do have legit conversations with my cat... I'm really that person.)

    1. Haha! Twinsies! My cats have to be all up in anything I'm doing. My mom calls it "helping". Not sure how much "helping" they really do, but it can be funny sometimes.

  4. I already tweeted this to you, but I can't believe I had never thought to trace a darn tanktop. Now I'm going to make like 30 of these.

  5. can't wait to try this!! :) thanks!! <3

    1. It's sooo easy! and way cheaper than buying new ones.

  6. This is great! I especially love your furry assistant! I'll have to see if mine is available when I go to try this out!

    1. Gotta make sure their assistant schedule isn't over booked. Napping, eating, and playing are all so time consuming!

  7. Hi! Oh my, I've cut through so many t-shirts to make workout/dance tank tops and I have NEVER thought of doing this! It's like a revelation haha thanks for this!

  8. i am so doing this. brilliant.


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