May 18, 2015

Armadillo Season

Over the weekend, Hubs and I traveled the 30 minutes to get Chipotle and do a little shopping. While we were driving home I counted 14 Armadillo bodies on the side of the highway. I turned to Hubs and said that it must be Armadillo season. That started me thinking about seasons and time, and ultimately the verse you see above from Ecclesiastes came to mind.

The past few weeks have been a bit stressful for me; papers, finals, ongoing craziness at work, and some tough personal decisions that need to be made. I neglected several things, including this blog, and on the one hand I am sorry, but on the other hand, I'm not. I needed to step away bit to keep myself sane and my husband from thinking I'm a hermit. Right now it seems like this phase will never end, like I will never feel at peace with my life again. That's when I go back to Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and I am reminded and reassured that this season of my life will come to an end and a new one will begin.

I've got two weeks until the summer session starts, and I've decided to only take one course. Giving myself a bit of a brain break, especially since the course I chose will be a pretty easy one. Another great thing about this course is that it gives me the right credits to get my Associates Degree. Woot!

Today I am grateful for the reassurance from God that things will get better. I'm grateful to have a supportive husband who's got my back. I'm grateful life gives me options to choose from.

What are you grateful for?

Linking up with
Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

Check out my current Chestnut sponsor!

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