August 8, 2014

Blogger Love

linking up with All the Joys
I'm going to try something different today for the Friday Favorites Blogger Love link-up. I'm going to share the awesome bloggers I FOUND through this link up as well as a few that I already read.

Blogging Soulmates by By Emily at Family Finta

Ok, I found this post via Meagan at All the Joys and immediately signed up because I am always looking for new bloggy friends. I have found a few friends through blogging, but Emily is making it even easier for you. All you have to do is fill out her form and she'll match you up with your Blogging Soulmate by August 21. Sounds fun right?? I am excited to see who she pairs me with.

How to Convince Your Husband you NEED a Puppy by Chelsea at The girl who loved to write

I found Chelsea via Amanda at Notes from a Newlywed. I have been trying and trying to convince Hubs we NEED a doggy and now I have some ammunition!! I've already tried it out today and he said we could talk more about it when he gets home from work tonight. I think I'm getting there folks!

When Your Spouse Changes Dreams Because of You by Chelsea at The New Wifestyle

I also found this via Amanda at Notes from a Newlywed. She listed some really great posts this week. This post is a huge deal in a lot relationships. The sacrifices and changes we make for our spouses mean a lot, and say a lot about a person.

Life isn't always Blogworthy by Kate at The Florkens

Seriously, it isn't. And sometimes we just need to vent without judgement or sympathy/pity comments.

Blogging 101: Creating a Watermark for Your Photos by Anne at Love the Here and Now

This is so important!! I want everyone to learn how to do this and then actually do it!!

What posts did you LOVE this week?


  1. cant wait to get started on these reads. What a different way to do Fives Friday.

    1. I'm really glad I read the first one b/c I've signed up and can't wait to see who I have. I love getting to know people. This should be fun.

  2. Aww yay I'm so glad you liked the posts I shared! And I'm thrilled that you're making some headway convincing the hubs to get a dog:)

  3. Thanks for including my post!!

  4. I totally signed up for the blogging soulmates! :)

  5. thanks so much for including my blog :) love these other ones too!! have a great weekend!

  6. I also loved the "how to convince your husband you NEED a puppy". I'm trying to take her advice!!!

  7. I love your spin on this, thanks for linking up! I can't wait to find my blogging soulmate too!


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