August 29, 2014

Share Some Blogger Love

Share some Blogger Love Link-up
This week brought some wonderful posts and I was super hard to just pick a few to share with you. But here are my top favs that have stuck with me all week long. 

1. Becoming Adorrable - Why I Won't Say "Yes" More
I will say "yes" to this post. Becca hits the nail right on the head about those darned HuffPost articles demanded all our responses be "yes".

2. Our Nashville Life - Why I Love Taylor Swift Even More Now (and it's not because of her awesome video)
Huge Taylor Swift fan. HUGE. #don'tjudgeme

3. Notes From a Newlywed - Life Updates & a Giveaway
Because sometimes life takes over all of our time and that's perfectly fine. And there are some awesome prizes in that giveaway too!

4. Awash with Wonder - All the Unresolved Things
This is some real honesty about wanting to seem like you have your shit together in a blog post and ending each one on a high note, when in reality you don't really have a clue what you're doing in life.

5. The Rambling Llama - I Could Really Use a Wish Right Now
This post made me tear up a bit. I mean who doesn't want to think that their loved ones who have passed live amongst the stars?

What posts really stuck with you this week??

Linking up with
All The Joys Friday Favorites

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