August 25, 2014

If you had to choose...

It's been so serious here lately, I thought I would break it up and do a fun post! I saw these "Would you rather" questions on The Rambling Llama a while back, and they looked really fun.

...Watch, Star Wars, or Star Trek?
Star Wars all the way.

...Read on a Kindle or paperback book?
Kindle or iPad. It's so nice that that little device can hold all my books and keeps track of where I left off for me.

...Go to a play or musical?
Musical!! I love musicals.

...Go to the theater or a movie?
Meh movie.

...Hike or bike?
Hike. Biking hurts my butt.

...Wear jeans or chinos?

...Have a Margarita or Pina Colada?
Margarita baby.

...Drink a glass of Guinness or Fat Tire?
neither... How about a XX Amber or Strongbow?

...Crash with friends or stay in a hotel?

...Visit Europe or Mexico?
Europe. So much history.

...Vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why?
Alaska. mountains > beaches

...Go skiing or snowshoeing?
um I'm pretty sure I'd suck at any snow related activity.

...Travel by plane, train, or automobile?
depends on where I'm going, but most definitely NOT train though.

...Enjoy a houseboat or speed boat?
House boat. All the comforts of home floating on the water.

...Go climbing or zip lining?
Zip lining sounds like so much fun!

...Go to a comedy club or dance club?
Probably comedy. Have you seen me dance?

...Have a night out or evening in?
Nights out are nice, but so are evenings in.

...Watch TV or read a book?
Book for sure.

...Go canoeing or waterskiing?

...Camp in an RV or stay in a tent?
RV! A real bathroom please!

...Use Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter. So much more interaction there.

...Choose a free trip or money?

...Win the lottery or find your perfect job?
I'm gonna take the easy way out this time and go with lottery.

...Swim in a pool or the ocean?
Pool. No danger of sharks or jellyfish there.

...Watch sports or play sports?

...Play dodgeball or kickball?
I'll watch you play :)

Which would you pick?

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