May 16, 2014

Super Duper Long Weekend in GA Re-Cap

Now that I'm home and settled, I can do a re-cap of my super long "weekend" in Georgia for Mother's Day. So here we go!

Thursday: Driving to Georgia. I saw the sunrise for the first time since December! The trip down took me about 13.5 hours this time, stopping three twice for gas, once for food, and a couple times to use the restroom.

Friday: My mom works part time in an antique/consignment store on Wednesdays, Fridays, and every other Saturday. She got up and went over there, and I had plans to meet Melissa for lunch before she left for her vacation to New Jersey this week. Then I joined my mom at the store for the rest of the afternoon and found the perfect desk inspiration!

Saturday: Mom had to work again, whomp whomp. But I needed to make the trip over to my storage unit anyways. While I was in the neighborhood, I had lunch with my the gay boyfriend's boyfriend. Gay bf had worked from 11:00 the night before until 7:00 that morning and was excused from said lunch. In between all of that, I locked my keys in my car and thought I lost my wedding ring. So much fun!!

Sunday: Mother's Day! I gave my mommy her stack of "Open When/On..." cards. She cried. My youngest brother had came over and we all got dressed to drive up to see my Grandmommy (Mom's mom) and Pawpaw. We visited a while, then went out for a nice dinner. Once we got home, it just felt like the right time to tell them about Philip's and my elopement. Mixed reactions at first, but over all everyone was happy for us. Mom cried again.

Monday: After a lazy morning, Mom and I went shopping. We perused a couple of Goodwill stores in search of lamp shades, decorative items to re-purpose, and other interesting pieces. On the way home, we drove by Kirklands and just had to stop. There we found so many things we loved, but resisted the urge to buy out the whole store. Instead we walked away with a couple clearance items: two round mirrors for me, and a picture frame for mom. Pretty fun day.

Tuesday: Mom and I spent the day going through the things she had set aside for my box. I was able to get a few things I needed and a few that I wanted. Then I packed all my stuff and loaded it up in my car.

Wednesday: The long drive home. This drive required a stop for Starbucks. It rained for the last half, causing many small panic attacks as I tried to navigate around the tractor trailer tucks. But I finally made it home about ten minutes before Philip came home from work. Both of us were so exhausted that we just ate and went to bed.

I'm just going to say that making that trip is much easier when we go together. Hopefully I won't have to do it again on my own.


  1. aw this is so awesome! what a great recap. looks like a lot of fun!

  2. Long road trips by yourself can be hard. I'm glad your mom took the news well that you eloped. I could only imagine the pit in your stomach!


  3. You've got an adorable blog! Just wanted you to know I'm following you on Bloglovin' and all of your other social media sites. Can't wait to read more from you! :)

    Hope ♡ |


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