May 2, 2014

30 before 30

I woke up this morning and realized that I didn't have a post written for today. I opened a new draft, positioned my fingers over the keys, and just stared at the blank page. Nothing was coming to me. I checked my planner for unused blog ideas I like to scribble down on post-its, but there wasn't anything there that inspired me to start banging out words on the keyboard. So I started looking through the documents on my computer hoping to find something interesting or funny to share with you from my past (I have had this laptop for about 6 years now, there's no telling what's saved here). A few minutes later, I came across a bucket list. Most of the items were silly and irrelevant to me now, but there are a number of them that still apply.

In just over two years, I will turn 30. THIRTY. In TWO years. This realization led me to make some adjustments to my old list that reflect my current life and turn it into a 30 before 30 list.

Current Age: 27
Birthday: August 15

1. Get to my ideal weight and fitness level

2. Have a beautiful wedding

3. Go on a cruise

4. Apply for and get accepted into school again

5. Learn American Sign Language

6. Pass all my classes

7. Grow my hair out for the wedding

8. Convince Philip we need a doggy

9. Read a book before it's even rumored to be a movie

10. Learn a Regency Dance from the 18th and 19th centuries

11. Re-decorate our house

12. Make a new friend

13. Help Philip make a new friend

14. Make better food choices

15. Have a white Christmas

16. Start a new tradition

17. Go zip lining

18. Meet another celebrity

19. Take a cross country road trip

20. Live in a home for longer than a year

21. Become a regular at a local restaurant

22. Pay off debt

23. Grow my blog to 1000 readers/followers

24. Take a trip to visit bloggy friends

25. Monetize my blog

26. Pet a giraffe

27. Fly first class

28. Learn photoshop better
29. Stop complaining about household chores

30. Actually complete this list

There you have it folks! My 30 before 30 list. Hopefully I'll be able to do all or most of these things before the deadline and I'll be sure to keep you posted.

Do you have a 30 before 30 or Bucket List?


  1. Ok so... you're from GA and your mom's name is Melanie... Can I guess her mom was a Gone with the Wind fan too? Cuz mine was. :-) Great list, I should probably get something similar together!

  2. We have so many of the same goals. Go back to school, re-learn French, get healthier. Paying off debt is probably the best feeling ever. Especially knowing there are no credit cards to pay off!

  3. "Grow my blog to 1000 readers/followers" will probably be the hardest. Good luck all of these, you are far more ambitious than I!

    1. I’ve got two year to make it happen. Hopefully school and the busy summer season at the lake will help immensely in reaching that goal :)

  4. Wow! That's a great list over the next few years. Where do we begin and where can I help?? :)

  5. I came across my bucket list the other day too! So funny to read back over some of the things I wanted to accomplish... and cool to see the ones (as crazy as they sounded back then) I had reached. You have a great list going!! I think you should take a cross country road trip sooner than later and document it for all of us ;)

  6. i absolutely have a 30 before 30 - i have 2 and a bit years. eeep! we have a few of the same, #1 for sure, and #5! how funny. and i love the idea of #9. good luck on your list lovely!


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