May 15, 2014


Linking up with Helene and Sarah today, on top of my #TBT post, because I can't pass on a good link-up and I had written something a while back that fits right in with the theme this month: Firsts. I picked a few of them to share again today.

Read my original post here.

Helene in Between

What was your first tweet?
I'm so glad it wasn't "Hey Twitter!" or something stupid like that.

What was your first Facebook profile pic?
Yes, that is a Lego Darth Vader... and me trying to be sexy in a funny way, I think. It was 2006, I'm not entirely sure.

What was your first car?
My first car was a blue 1995 Nissan Sentra. It was a piece of crap, but I loved it.

Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
My first flight ever was a nine hour flight to England. I did pretty well; no panic attack for me. Best trip ever though.

What was the first concert you ever went to?
The Backstreet Boys. I was hoarse for 3 days afterwards. I was 11. Don't judge me.

via Google Images

Who was your first roommate?
In college, her name was Katie. And we did not get along. I switched rooms to be paired up with my friend Samantha (pictured) for the second semester.

When was your first kiss?
My first real kiss was my freshman year of high school. I was in marching band, so I stayed after school a few days a week for practice. Chris Anderson asked me out and I was smitten. After practice one night, we had taken a walk around the school, it was a secluded spot, he turned toward me, said something sweet and then kissed me. I remember it was nice, and he tasted like Dr. Pepper. We broke up 3 months later, but became best friends, and still are to this day. I posted a more detailed version of this story here.

So how's that for a #FirstsTotalSocial Post??


  1. thats amazng that you have a pic of your old car! and that first profile pic- hilarious!

  2. You did a great job with your firsts post!!! I'm glad you were able to fix the roommate situation!

  3. Those first cars are ALWAYS awesome, aren't they? No matter how much they aren't.

    I love your London pics. I'm going there this summer and I can't wait!


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