April 8, 2014

A Make-Up-For-A-Cheat-Meal Smoothie


Linking up once again with Kay and Allie for Tough It Out Tuesday!

Saturday I had a cheat meal. Ugh! It was the first time I've ever gone over my allotted calorie plan for the day and I felt a little guilty. Just a little though, because that chicken burrito swimming in white queso was sooooo very delicious. Anywho. Sunday I felt like I needed to make up for this overindulgence and made us a smoothie for lunch.

I had frozen some fruit that I wanted to use up (PSA: Cantaloupe doesn't un-freeze well) so I got some stuff to make a smoothie. Philip likes it, even though it's green and healthy plus, the mason jar tumbler mug helps it look cool!

1 Blender
2 Cute mason jar tumblers from the Dollar Tree
4-6 Ice cubes
1 Cup cantaloupe (mine was fresh frozen)
1 Cup green grapes (mine was fresh frozen)
1 Cup Baby Spinach
1 Container of 100 calorie vanilla Greek yogurt
1 banana
1 cup of Healthy Balance apple cranberry juice

Serves: 2 at 174 calories per serving (so awesome right?)

Layer the ingredients in softest (banana, spinach, yogurt) to hardest (frozen fruit and ice), adding the juice last. If you have a snazzy blender that has a smoothie setting use that, but we have a regular blender, so I use the Ice Crush/Pulse button until even blended and smooth. Pour equal amounts in your awesome little tumblers and enjoy!

We also went to Walmart Saturday and I got a yoga DVD and a big red exercise ball. I pumped it up all by myself which was a decent arm workout, I must say. So I am super excited to start incorporating these new tools into my workout regimen.

I am super proud of myself for staying under my calorie goal every day for the past three weeks. While I have stuck with a workout routine or diet separately for about 6 months or so in the past, this is the longest I have ever stuck with a healthy and balanced eating AND exercise program in my life. Non-scale victory right there folks! I'm also feeling better overall, not that I felt bad before, but something is different and it's a good different. Does that make sense? Am I the only one who is feeling this way?


  1. This is awesome! I cheat more than I wish was true so I'll have to give this and variations a try!

    1. Keeping my food log in MyFitnessPal really helps me hold myself accountable when choosing what I'm going to eat. And smoothies are always a good idea!

  2. Hi lady! Never ever feel guilty for a little celebration cheat - you've been working hard and we all deserve a little fun now and then, right? And oh my gosh, I have a smoothie every single day and want these tumblers in my life. On the hunt tonight - thanks girl!

    Jessi @ Not the Average Bear

    1. Aww Thanks :)

      I found those at the Dollar Tree. They were the last two! If they don't have them at yours, I think you can order them online! Walmart also has a version that is prettier, but they are about $5.

  3. I saw that someone bought us a Ninja blender for the wedding so I'm looking forward to making myself some of these smoothies!!!

    1. I was excited to discover the blender buried in the back of the cabinet when I moved here. I've never owned one before and had only used them to make margaritas and daiquiris in the past, so it was nice to have a healthier use for it.


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