April 22, 2014

Tulips, Paint, Cabinets, and Eureka Springs

AllieologyAs always linking up with my Snicklefritz (Kay) and Allie for Tough It Out Tuesday! Let me say that last week started out like any other week, but by the end of the holiday weekend, it was crazy productive!

My food intake was pretty much on point. I didn't go over my calorie budget, and I ate mostly healthy foods. My exercise was just OK. I managed to do a few video workouts and my abs were sore for a few days after doing crunches on my exercise ball, Holy Jeeze! are they harder to do on that ball!

Anywhoo. Fast Forward to Friday! Philip had a four day weekend, so we went to Kansas City for the day and spent a lot of time walking around, enjoying the sites and visiting a couple attractions. We discovered this beautiful little courtyard while walking back to the parking garage. I just had to stop and take pictures, because tulips are one of my favorite flowers, and they were everywhere in KC. I ate well even though we were away from home, which I was super proud of, and we got in our exercise in a fun way!

Saturday we finished a chunk of our kitchen re-dcoration. I'll do a more detailed post on that later, but I am beyond happy to report that I burned more calories than I ate that day (insert happy dance here)! My knees and back were killing me that night, but it was nothing a couple Tylenol PM couldn't handle.

Sunday we had Philip's parents over for Easter lunch. I made deviled eggs for the first time, and they came out pretty darn good! We also grilled burgers and brats and lamb chops. Very tasty lunch, I must say. I didn't count calories that day, but I didn't go overboard, so I still feel good about it. We did take a rest day, and just lounged and watched Frozen (which his parents loved) and then settled in for Game of Thrones!

Monday, the last day of Philip's four day weekend, we took a mini road trip to Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Dubbed the wedding capital of the south, we decided to take a look at some of their venues and wedding packages for our up coming nuptials. Walking around that beautiful town and visiting some of the natural springs was truly an adventure, even though it rained most of the time. Again, burning calories in a fun way! Also, did you know that driving burns calories?!?

We had a great week! How was yours?

P.S. Also linking up with Keep Calm and Blog On for Tea Party Tuesdays!

Keep Calm and Blog On


  1. So i totally found you through the link up!

    I AM from missouri too!!
    just thought i'd pop in & say helllllo!

  2. I love burning calories while exploring!!!! And laughing - that's a great way too :)

  3. Sight seeing is one of the best ways to exercise. I always forget that I'm "working out."
    Tulips are one of my favorites too!!


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