April 2, 2014

Lets Hang Stuff on the Walls!

When I moved here there wasn't much in the way of wall decor. Just a mirror and a couple random hand-me-down pieces of art in the kitchen, a Denver Broncos clock in the bedroom, and a Chinese restaurant menu in the living room, you know, the one that has a calendar on it and rolls up like a scroll. Yeah, very bachelor pad.

Cozy Corner
When I primed the kitchen, I got to take down the stuff in there. The mirror got moved to above my dresser and the art is safely hidden in the spare room at the moment. I'm thinking of re-using the canvases to paint my own art on them. The Broncos clock is still in the bedroom, which is ok for now, but I might move it later. And the Chinese restaurant menu has been rolled up and put in the junk drawer, we still need the menu, it just doesn't need to be displayed. I felt so much better the day that happened.

To fill the empty wall space in the living room, I finally unpacked the box we brought back at Christmas with all my picture frames. We set aside an afternoon to replace a few old pictures with the new ones I had printed and hang them in the living room. We also have the painting my mom made for me  up as well (Seriously, go check out my mom's work. She's very talented!).
I would say our living room looks and feels more like home now.


I totally found this awesome pin on Pinterest that inspired me to make something similar. I found the frame and small clothes pins at Walmart and I used tan yarn I already had. Some measuring, hot glue, and a bit of pizazz and we've got ourselves a sweet new piece of art. It originally hung on the wall in the living room next to the Chinese menu, but I moved it to the bedroom, as I feel like that's a more suitable place for this type of artwork. It's new home is above our bed.

So much Love

Stay tuned for more crafty projects from Pinterest and my slow ass leisurely journey of decorating our home. My mom says that it's good that I am taking my time, because I am able to put a lot of thought into what items I purchase and what I create so it will mean more to me later, not to mention look really, really good.


  1. Everything looks great! We still need to paint our bedroom (a year later) so there's no decor there yet. Your decor looks great though. Love it!

    1. Painting walls is not my favorite thing to do. I STILL have to do the kitchen, ugh! But it makes such a difference.

      I made it a point to bring pictures with me from Georgia. I knew I would miss my family and friends a lot and it's nice to be able to see their faces whenever I want.

  2. Decorating is one of my favorite things to do. I also know it's going to be a big challenge once I join my boyfriend in California! It's so much easier to decorate when it's just you. :)

    I love what you've done with the place! The do-it-yourself frame is adorable!

    1. I got luck in that Philip trusts me to decorate the house. He doesn't have much of an opinion, but he will let me know if he really dislikes something.

  3. Ohhh I like the hanger idea! Super cute!!!

    1. I know! I just had to make one. And it's so easy too!


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