April 17, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Easter Baskets

Throwback Thursday Stories

Dyed eggs, chocolate bunnies, cookouts, Jesus, and pretty pastel dresses are what I think about when someone says Easter. This holiday is more for the kiddos than for adults, but somehow I always seem to enjoy it.

My grandmother made our Easter baskets. I wish I had a picture because they were pretty awesome. It started as a large round basket. But she painted and attached wooden bunny feet and head to each one. Mine had pink ribbon and C's had blue. We used them for years until they began to, quite literally, fall apart. When F came along, he got a cute little blue basket that had a bunny on it. 

Easter morning my mom would fill our baskets and hide them around the house: behind chairs, in cabinets, or in the dryer. She'd wake us up and tell us to go see if the Easter Bunny hid our baskets. We'd run through the house searching every hiding spot we could think of until we found our basket.

One year I found everyone's but mine. I looked and looked, but I just could not fine my basket. I was a bit older at this point, so I wondered if my mom/Easter Bunny had deemed me too old for an Easter basket. She was snickering to herself as I roamed the house re-checking all the spots. Finally she told me I had past it a few times, then would say if I was getting warmer or colder. I did find my basket... under the pile of dirty clothes in the hall by the laundry closet. 

She got me that year and that was the last year I got an Easter basket. When I was in college and then after, I tried to convince her to do Easter baskets agian, but she never did. Perhaps I'll give myself one this year.

Next week on TBT: Your First Kiss


  1. I didn't really have a whole post to write about this (maybe I should have?) but the only Easter memory I have is of my dad picking me up at the airport around easter and giving me an easter chocolate. Hmm... maybe I will write one and post tonight when I get home...

    1. The post size doesn't matter! Just share whatcha got! We want to know anyways!

  2. I love getting easter baskets from my parents and even have started giving them their own (I mean - the easter bunny shows up......) haha.

    1. A couple years ago my brothers and I decided to hide the eggs for my parents and grandparents to find after they hid them for us! They had such a good time hunting eggs they makes us do it every year.


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